Personal Finance – Other Archive

The Wealthiest Women in the World

The 2013 Forbes list of billionaires consists of 1,426 people, only 138 of whom are women. In 2012 there were only 104 women on the list, but still only one woman landed in the top …

Reasons to use Online Banking

Online bill pay is a service offered by many banks who allow customers to access their accounts online. Think of online bill pay as the 21st century version of writing and mailing checks to pay …

Financial Trouble how to Raise Cash Quickly

FILLING THE COLLEGE TUITION GAP Everywhere, families are struggling to make ends meet. Families faced right now with soaring college tuition rates, are finding it doubly hard. To make matters worse, high school and college …

How to Prevent Deficit Spending

Deficit spending can be tempting when your expenses are higher than your income. Monthly payments may seem attractive to most people, but it often deadly when you lose your job. There are many ways to …

The Path to becoming a Millionaire

People dream of living a life of wealth and abundance. They imagine beautiful homes, exotic vacations, expensive cars, and a life free from the everyday stress of budgeting monthly bills and expenses. They dream of …

Hiding Cash from others

There are hundreds of reasons why a person would chose to hide money at home, instead of keeping it safely in a bank.  Perhaps your spouse is one of those ‘if I’ve got it, I …

Knowing when to use the Emergency Fund

Emergency funds are dwindling these days, as more and more people need to dip into them for essential needs. The trick is to know when the need is really essential. The truth is that more …

Financial Trouble how to Raise Cash Quickly

Want to raise quick cash, without robbing a bank? Now that’s not easy. With the current credit crunch and financial instability everybody is getting into financial trouble. Budgets are getting tighter, and thousands of people …

Biography Bernie Madoff

Bernard “Bernie” Lawrence Madoff was born on April 29, 1938 in Queens New York to Jewish parents Ralph and Sylvia Madoff. His grandparents on both sides had immigrated to the United States from Romania, Poland, …

How to Find the best Deals on Amazon pioneered online shopping. The company started with selling books. Now, Amazon sells almost everything. With millions of items available in Amazon, there are different ways to find the best deal. Log-in to your Amazon …

Internet Freebie Tips and Warnings

The internet is chocked full of great deals and awesome free give aways. Users can participate in super promotions in which they can receive things like company logo baseball hats, t-shirts and coffee mugs for …

Knowing when to use the Emergency Fund

To paraphrase an ancient script, we should consider the ant who works diligently in the summer of their life in order to have something in the barren, stark times of winter. In other words, we …

Financial Trouble how to Raise Cash Quickly

Need cash fast? Chances are you have unrealized assets lingering in your closets, drawers, cupboards, and various other hiding spots throughout your home. Start in your video/game room/living room. Those DVDs and CDs that have …

Being Reclusive has many Benefits

Not everyone is capable of being a recluse but those that can live for a time without family and friends around around them may find many benefits to this alone time. It can be very …

Why Financial Literacy is Important

Financial literacy is the ability to understand finances and how they work in order to make sound financial decisions. Not only is financial literacy important for adults, but it should be taught to children as …

What to do if a Social Security Number is Stolen

Identity theft has always been a major issue. As thieves become more and more technically advanced, the options available for stealing personal information grow accordingly. Social security theft should therefore, be a point of concern …

Checkbook Balancing 101

In these days of online banking and debit cards, traditional check-writing has become a bit quaint. As for reconciling that monthly balance, computer software will even do that for you. However, one thing hasn’t changed. …

Ways to Save Money this Summer

Could you use a little extra money this summer? Many people are looking to save money any way they can during the summer, especially during the challenging economy.  There are a variety of measures that …

Capital Homesteading for every Citizen

The American Dream is not dead, but it is certainly on life support.  As fewer and fewer people own capital and the State takes over more and more of the economy, Americans become permanent children, …