Personal Finance – Other Archive

Reasons People need Food Stamps

There are wide varieties of reasons why people need to use the government food stamps program. Usually they have to do with the constant increase in the cost of living for the average citizen. Our …

Worst Money Tips

Benjamin Franklin once said, “If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting.” We have all been there. We’re starting to save a portion of our income to become financially independent. We …

Why Lottery Tickets are a Bad Investment

There are several reasons why lottery tickets are very bad investments. It can even be argued that lottery tickets are not investments at all and can be considered a horrible waste of money for little …

Ways for Siblings to Divide an Inheritance

The issue of inheritance has been one which for countless centuries has plagued us with tales of tragedy, triumph, happiness and heartbreak. It has been a drama that has been immortalised in play, and has …

Benefits of Signing up for Online Bill Pay

Reasons to sign up for online bill pay There are several reasons that may pique your interest in signing up for online bill pay services. These include improving time management, saving money, ecological peace of …

Ten Practical Money Problem Solutions

When money was created, so too were money problems. Financial difficulty or hardship is nothing new. Yet in modern times of banking crises, perhaps excessive consumer credit availability, greater opportunities than ever before to spend …

Steps to take if you have a Big Lottery Win

Winning the lottery and winning big. It’s a dream that drives millions of Americans to stand in lines at convenience stores, gas stations, and drug stores hoping against hope. Will the millions-to-one odds fall into …

Ways to Save Money this Summer

In the summer months, the days grow longer and warmer. Making the most of the longer days usually means staying up longer, which in turn can use more energy and cost us more. The easiest ways to save …

Reasons not to Pay your Bills Online

It is easy to assume that just because your bill can be found online means that it can be paid in a single mouse click, right? Online billing gives customers the option of paying their …

The Importance of a will

Dealing with issues of mortality can be uncomfortable for anyone. After all, death is a painful and finite subject. Few people like to think about the fact that they will die someday, but the truth …

How to Pay off your Credit Card Debt

The credit card is just too easy to use. Most people don’t think about the consequences of their spending until after they receive their monthly statement, then, their jaws drop and they start wondering how …

The Benefits of Buying a Home with Cash

Buying a home with cash has enormous benefits; many buyers are often not aware of these advantages. There are several reasons why most prospective home buyers are not able to buy property with cash however. …

Best Personal Finance Websites and Books

For those interested in personal finance, there are a lot of great personal finance books and websites that can provide inspiration and tips that can help you on your financial journey. Many people work best …

Benefits of Buyings a Home with Cash

For many, the American Dream is owning a home of their own. With the current economic conditions, this is getting to be more difficult for many. On the other hand, there are some that sacrifice …

Spare Time Earn Cash now

If you have time to read this article then you have time to make some extra money.  The world is spinning and the clock is ticking so it’s time to get started.  The saying goes, …


The day after the Thanksgiving Holiday is known as “Black  Friday.” That particular day is considered to be the first day of the Christmas Holiday season. As such, Jewish people and Christians everywhere on Earth celebrate …

Pros and Cons of Consulting Angies List

Like most other folks, you have probably made the mistake of hiring the wrong contractor, mechanic or dentist in the past. And just like everyone else who has made this slip-up, that ghastly choice undoubtedly …

Defining Financial Freedom

Financial freedom is something almost everyone wants but few seem to achieve. This is not because of lack of desire, intellect , or ability, but because of a general lack of knowledge about the topic …

Introduction to Credit Unions

In October, 2010, a credit union employee in Saskatchewan was part of an eight person team that travelled to Mongolia to support credit unions in that country as coaches and mentors.  The Canadian Co-operative Association …

How to Absorb a Loss Painlessly

The best way to absorb a loss painlessly is to try and avoid it in the first place. The legendary investor Warren Buffett opined the following two rules of investing: Rule one: Never lose money. …

Absorbing Losses Painlessly

It’s every aspiring entrepreneur’s dream to have a very successful business. Unfortunately, the success rate of businesses is astoundingly not that impressive. Statistics show that very successful entrepreneurs experienced losses at some point of their …

Secrets of Billionaires

When I was younger, I used to work at a gas-station as a part time job while in high-school. The gas-station was connected to a Burger King restaurant, and there was an interesting character who …

Reasons to Quit Playing the Lottery

The main reason to quit playing the lottery is the fact that you’re extremely unlikely to win the ‘big one’. Even if you have a couple of numbers come up on your lottery ticket and …