Insurance Archive

How to Find an Affordable Dental Plan

You may not have dental insurance, but if you join a discount dental plan, you can still get affordable dental care for all your dental needs. An affordable dental plan, doesn’t just have to be …

Roadside Assistance Insurance

Like many things to do with motoring roadside assistance can be a matter of personal choice or experience. However, in order to judge how effective they are, there is one or two things you can …

What is Permanent Life Insurance

Permanent life insurance is the complete opposite of term insurance. Its permanence arises from its duration and not from the fact that the policy will continue regardless of context. Permanent life insurance is characterised by …

Should Government Pay for all Medical Care – No

Should government pay for ALL medical care? I think not. “Government” paid means ‘taxpayer-paid’, and I, for one, believe that healthcare costs should be shared by those who “contribute to or participate in” practices which …

Health Insurance for College Students

Many college students in America go without health insurance either due to being cut from their parent’s plan at a certain age or being unable to afford health insurance. Health plans for American college students …

Reducing your Auto Insurance Premium

I’m always surprised by the insurance agents out there who simply write an auto policy for their clients, but never really explain that policy. Or worse, the agent just transfers the existing policy into their …

Health Coverage Costs in California

The cost of health insurance is rising for everyone that needs to pay for health care. This includes employers as well as individuals. States such as California are seeing rising health care costs that force …

Lease off Coverage

Lease off coverage, also known as GAP coverage or GAP insurance is a type of insurance policy that covers the difference between the cost of paying off a car lease and the amount covered by …

Uninsured Americans

There are millions of uninsured Americans. That is an alarming number. The sad fact around smaller farming communities like that I live in is that you don’t have to be a U.S. citizen and you’re …

How to Find Competitive Car Insurance

I am an auto insurance broker in the state of California. I have many years of experience as an auto insurance agent and broker and through the years, I have figured out all ways to …

How to Find Competitive Car Insurance

BEST CAR INSURANCE QUOTES TODAY. Where to find it, and how you can get elected with ease. Getting insurance for your car is one of the most important decisions you will have to make in …

Why get Condo Insurance

Though most condo complexes are insured through associations, unit owners can still benefit from having separate insurance policies. Since everyone in each complex shares ownership of the hallways, the pools, and other common property, they’re …

Where to Find Supplemental Dental Insurance

Where to Find Supplemental Dental Insurance If you agonize about your dental care expenses, even although you have some insurance, supplemental dental insurance may be ideal for you. Dental supplemental insurance can assist in guaranteeing …

How to get Cheap Health Insurance

Finding the best low cost health insurance is easier than most people think, especially now we are able to go online for information and quotes. There are many individual and family health insurance plans available …

Biopolar Insurance Rights

Insurance and Bi-polar illness: Bi-polar is an illness much as heart disease and diabetics. The brain should not experience discrimination from the insurance companies. Parity should occur for treatment of diseases of all organs of …

Find Affordable Major Medical Health Insurance

Major medical health insurance is an insurance policy that protects you in the case of catastrophic illness. You may need to obtain major medical insurance outside of an employer if you’re self-employed, unemployed and not …

How to Pay an Initial Insurance Premium

The initial payment or premium for an insurance policy is due at the time of purchase. An insured has many payment methods that are available, is based on the billing method and a discount may …

Temporary Health Insurance

We’ve all been there at one time or another, and if we listen to the statistics it is likely we have been there more than once. We graduate from college, get laid off from work, …

Understanding Life Insurance Policies

Life insurance is a risk-management vehicle designed primarily to protect the financial stability of the insured’s household in the event of the insured’s death. A life insurance policy represents the contract between the insurer and the insured. It …

Long Term Care Insurance Pennsylvania

Long Term Care is one of the most overlooked forms of insurance. People buy insurance to protect their vehicles, homes, health, and loved ones financial interests. However, protection of ones personal assets is often neglected. …

Homeowners insurance at a glance

Perils and Policies Now we may be in a difficult economy currently but the last thing you should cut cost on is your homeowners insurance.  Homeowners Insurance can protect you through the worst case scenarios …

Reducing your Auto Insurance Premium

“Great news… I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to…” If you are considering switching car insurance companies in search of a better rate, remember that you may already …