Insurance Archive

Short Term Medical Insurance

Short-term medical insurance is a special product with valuable benefits that the insurance companies have created to offer valuable protection to consumers. The option of short-term medical insurance means that a person can obtain temporary …

Finding the best Health Insurance

Who Will Pay? I am on the phone, a ragged stack of medical bills before me. As usual, I am on hold. In February I had a severe bout of diverticulitis. It is October now. …

Dental Insurance Advice for Seniors

The number one, most important thing for seniors to remember about dental coverage is that Medicare does not cover dental services. This can affect you in two ways – first, if your only insurance coverage …

Finding Affordable Insurance

The key to finding affordable insurance is to obtain and compare a rate or price quote from multiple insurance companies. A quote can be used to compare coverages, discounts as well as the premium amount …

Tips on how to Detect Car Insurance Fraud

Car insurance fraud, like tax fraud, comes in two varieties: there’s “soft fraud” in which the magnitude of damage is exaggerated, and “hard fraud” in which an accident, theft, or vandalism is faked entirely. DETECTING …

The need for Universal Health Insurance

I’m skeptical of the government’s ability to provide quality healthcare. Imagine if going to the doctor were like going to the DMV: long lines, poor customer service, that dirty feeling when you finally get out. …

What is Kidnap and Ransom Insurance

Kidnap insurance is Necessary for Safe World Traveling Life is precious and someone shouldn’t risk their life under any circumstances. That being said, there might be an occasion in an individual’s life where they are …

Health Insurance Ppo vs Hmo

This article will attempt to explain the differences between health insurance plans, since the three most popular plans are POS (Point of Service), PPO (Preferred provider Organization), and HMO (Health Maintenance Organization); the article will …

Renters Insurance Policy

A Renter’s Insurance policy or a Perils Policy is the insurance coverage of a rented property against damages and losses incurred due to various perils. The Policy specifically states against what perils it is insuring …

How to Buy Life Insurance

Life Insurance – How Much and What Kind Life insurance is not about leaving the kids and grandkids 75% of the free world.What you want to find out is how much, and what kind of …

AAA Membership is it Worth it

When reviewing your budget and trying to cut expenses a bill that could be painlessly eliminated is your AAA membership. For decades AAA insurance was almost a necessity for anyone who did much driving, particularly …

Short Term Medical Insurance Information

Health insurance is complex enough to understand, let alone learning about a benefit that you’ve probably never purchased, short term medical insurance. This type of medical insurance is a temporary benefit solution until you find …

Healthcare Solutions

In the first decade of the 21st century, it is inconceivable that access to quality healthcare is unavailable to more than 42 million citizens of this nation. There are many complex reasons for this with …

Catastrophic Health Insurance

Health insurance for most people is provided by an employer in the form of a group health insurance plan or purchased as an individual policy. Individuals that need additional coverage can purchase a supplemental insurance …

How to File a Business Insurance Claim

Getting insurance is one of the simplest things you can do, however when it comes time for the insurance company to pay up, that’s when the complications begin. When it comes to insurance companies taking …

Overview of Property Insurance

Property Insurance is so very important in running a business or owning a home. While property insurance is not required by law it may be required by loan or lease agreements. If you don’t have …

Homeowners Insurance at a Glance

Can you read your homeowners’ policy without falling asleep? Do you know what it says? You need all the help you can get staying informed about what is in your policy, and how it applies …