Spending and Saving Archive

Food Stamps Florida Eligibility

Residents of Florida can apply for food stamp benefits online or at the local Department of Social Services. During tough economic times, financial hardships Food Stamps can help to pay for groceries for you and …

How to Compare Certificate of Deposit Cd Rates

Bank Certificate of Deposit (CD) listings can be found at a number of financial institutions and established financial websites like BankRate or MoneyRates. The bank CD rates listed by these organizations vary based on the …

Poverty in America

Surviving poverty in America. If you are quick to judge those in poverty to be in a negative light then maybe you should try it. You may realize you simply do not have the skill …

Pros and Cons of Saving Accounts

Saving accounts can come in different shapes and sizes. Although they all have an AER interest rate which is usually returned annually. Every bank has at least a few saving accounts that you can select …

How to get out of Debt

Getting out of debt is a challenging process and there are several habits that will need to be changed before resolving your debt problem. Once the debt is paid off, it is too easy to …

Online Versus Offline Shopping

Online Retail 1 High Street Retail 0 It is getting very clear now that since the downturn last year the recession has dug up some unwanted statistics concerning identity theft ; it has soured since …

Who should Manage the Family Budget

During these tough economic times, having a family budget and sticking to it is more important than ever. Determining who is going to manage the family budget is an important decision, but equally important is …

Safety Tips for Banking Online

The Internet has made it so convenient for us in the sense that it makes doing certain daily or common activities much easier. One of such activities is banking. Despite the convenience of banking on …

Online Banking Smartphone – Yes

Think of a smartphone as a very small laptop or netbook.  People wouldn’t think twice about banking with either of these devices so a smartphone should be thought of in the same way.  Granted, you …

How to Save Money

Saving money doesn’t have to be complex. There are all sorts of plans that financial advisers give for particular situations but if you simply want to save without the professional advice, there are some simple …

Being Frugal Living without

In these days of economic hardship, many families are discovering they need to go without many of the products and services they’ve accepted as necessities. But foreclosed homes and loss of job income promise a …

How to Save Money on Vacation

Saving money on vacation does not have to mean that the holiday is going to be boring. With these simple tips you can have a cheaper holiday while still having a great experience. Book Self-Catering …

Why do People Spend more than they have

Overspending is a form of financial indiscipline .When people use a huge chunk of their earnings to acquire goods and services that they can otherwise do without and in the end leave little for their …

What are Money Market Accounts

Money market accounts are a type of savings account that can be opened at financial institutions were you do your day to day banking. These types of accounts may also be opened at banks that …

Why Savings Interest is so Low

Saving accounts have had some really low interest rates lately. What’s up with that? Savings accounts have traditionally been really good ways to save money while earning some modest interest on them. That tends not …

Enter the name in the Browser

There are a number of adventurous people who specialize in making a profit from the misfortunes of others. They do this by taking advantage of circumstances around them, and making good use of assessed information …

The Importance of an Emergency Fund

Life is full of little surprises, and too often, they aren’t all that good. Cars break down, furnaces quit working, plumbing springs a leak, jobs are lost, and people get sick. All of these unexpected …