Spending and Saving Archive

How to Spend Smart and Save Wisely

There are advantages to saving money and knowing what to spend it on. Being disciplined to spend money on necessary items and find the best deals is a smart approach to shopping.   People need to …

How to Grow Rich on a Meager Income

There are many ways that a person can grow rich on a meagre income.  A positive attitude can make a poor man rich. This is not hard but just requires someone to save a portion …

How to Save Money

In today’s economy more and more people are living paycheck to paycheck.  It’s getting harder to stretch a family’s income and keep food on the table.  Do you have trouble with bills and debt? Well …

Ways in which Frugality Pays

There are many negative words associated with frugality: tightwad, spend thrift, stingy, miser –and a few less than flattering monikers to top those off. Yet, do frugal folks get a bad rap? They  might. In …

How to Reduce your Electric Bill in Summer

Summer brings sunshine, warmth and longer hours of daylight. All of these should help to reduce your electricity bill quite substantially. The most obvious saving is from the hours of daylight. When it is bright …

Spring Cleaning your Debt

Cleaning in spring need not only refer to the house. Many out there could use a fresh spring approach to setting straight disorganized finances. Taking a second long look at one’s expenses may not only …

Advantages of Electronic Banking

Online banking saves time, money and space by automating transactions, reducing billing times, check writing and billing expenses. Online banking can even reduce filing cabinet space that may always seem too full. Online banking may …

Saving Money

     If you’re in a financial rut and wondering how to get out and back on your feet, it may be a lot easier than you know.  I have seen many people that get stressed …

Anyone can Save Money this way

If you have decided that you need to save money, then you will need to figure out a way not to spend it. For many people, the more they earn the more they spend.  Here are …

Exploring Online Banking

Many banks offer the option to do your banking online. This is a wonderful feature that many people are starting to use. Learning to bank online doesn’t have to be difficult even for those who …

How Working from Home Saves Money

Working from home is very realizable nowadays with the convenience of the Internet.  Attain a home-computer, a quiet place to work, and an on-line venue where you are comfortable in making a full-time living and …

Things you should Rent instead of Buy

There is no substitute for the feeling you get from purchasing something you really want to buy, but in some cases renting the item can be much more financially savvy. Take a look at a …

Ways to Save Money at the Supermarket

There are an all but infinite variety of ways to save money at the supermarket. They include being aware of incentive schemes which the relevant supermarket may offer regular customers, to watching for special offers …

Pros and Cons of Saving Accounts

A savings account is defined as “an account at a bank which accumulates interest”. It is not very popular among investors due to its low returns. People generally deposit money (that they do not intend …

How to Make Saving Money Natural

Want to get money into an interest-bearing account to take advantage of compounding interest, but don’t have any extra to get started? Here are 8 tips for starting your savings by reducing your expenses in …

How to Avoid Bank Fees

You should never pay bank fees if you have good credit. If you belong to a bank that charges a monthly fee just to have a checking account, change banks. The American consumer has been …

Simple Ways to Save Money

When it comes to saving money, small, painless changes can often add up quickly. Whether you’re tucking funds away for a rainy day or saving up for something fun, here are a few suggestions that …

Credit Cards

With the advent of credit cards, people suddenly found they could buy things they had never been able to before, and so the age of consumerism and wasteful spending began.People were now spending a lot …

Investing what are Money Market Funds

Currently there’s a lot of turmoil in the investment world with the housing market on the rocks and debt levels reaching higher than ever before. This is causing many investors to seek more secure positions …