Guide to UK Saving Accounts

Guide to UK Saving Accounts

Savings accounts in the United Kingdom can have a variety of options and features. As such, they can be of some variety. However, all savings accounts will provide a guaranteed return, and interest will accumulate …
Managing Student Loans

Managing Student Loans

My experience with government loan programs for financing education has been one of mixed emotions. Coming from a lower income family, my situation dictates that I would be completely unable to attend university without an …
Steps to Financial Independence

Steps to Financial Independence

Whether you are a young adult taking your first steps toward financial independence, or have recently experienced a major life change, such as divorce or the death of a spouse, that requires you to become …
Bush Tax Cuts

Bush Tax Cuts

The tax cuts that occurred during George W. Bush’s terms in the White House were intended to stimulate economic growth through what is known as ‘supply side economics’. According to James, D. Gwartney of the …
Reasons to Pay Bills Online

Reasons to Pay Bills Online

With the advent of online banking, mobile phone applications and automatic deductions from your chequing account or credit card, the process of paying your bills at your branch, at the store or in the mail …
Real Estate

Real Estate

The true value of one’s home cannot be fully or accurately measured in dollars and cents. Your home protects you from the weather and those who seek to harm you, as well as protecting your …
Health Plans for American College Students

Health Plans for American College Students

College students are rocks! They’re tough, so they don’t need a health plan! It may be true that some college students believe this of themselves, but the reality is the opposite. College students need health …
Do Credit Counseling Services really help

Do Credit Counseling Services really help

CREDIT COUNSELING: PUTTING A HANDBRAKE ON YOUR RUNAWAY FINANCES For those who have experienced out of control finances, a credit counseling service is like pulling the handbrake on your runaway car. A counselor will not …
Problems with Automatic Bill Payments

Problems with Automatic Bill Payments

I used to make all my bill payments by check/cheque. I would wait for the bill to arrive through my letterbox and then send off the payment for the postman to deliver. Recently, though, I …
Credit Repair

Credit Repair

Most people in to days world will have some bills or debts that keep them from doing other things they want to do. It is never a good idea to keep buying things on credit …
Owning a Home without Insurance

Owning a Home without Insurance

Unless individuals have more money than they know what to do with they should probably insure their home. A home insurance policy is generally required if an individual has a loan or mortgage, lives in …
How to Refinance with a second Mortgage

How to Refinance with a second Mortgage

In the early part of this decade second mortgages grew rapidly in popularity. They were a great way for home buyers to borrow more than 80% of a property’s value without having to pay mortgage …
Saving Money every Day

Saving Money every Day

Believe it or not, you can save money every single day! So many of us go through our daily routines not being conscious of how much money we are wasting. Here are several ways that you …
What is Renters Insurance

What is Renters Insurance

Renter’s insurance covers the cost of your personal property in the event of a fire, smoke damage, lightening, broken windows, water damage, theft, or weather-related loss. This includes the cost of medical expenses if a …
How to Properly Manage Student Loan Debt

How to Properly Manage Student Loan Debt

It’s usually pretty easy to get a student loan, and at first glance they seem like an excellent investment – after all a post-secondary degree can dramatically improve both career prospects and earning potential. Borrowing …
How to Deal with Bad Credit

How to Deal with Bad Credit

The full significance of having bad credit is now understood by more and more people everyday. Bad credit labels you as a bad risk, not only in the eyes of creditors but also by potential …