What to look for in a Health Insurance

What to look for in a Health Insurance

When you are considering a health insurance plan, prepare to be confused. While a good agent can help you make the best choice you can, there are unscrupulous agents whose sole purpose is to steal. …
A Guide to Reporting self Emploment Income

A Guide to Reporting self Emploment Income

Guide to Reporting Self Employment Income to the IRS Everyone who has net income over $400 from self employment must report it to the IRS.  This may include income from farming, baby sitting, a partnership …
How Foreclosures Work

How Foreclosures Work

One of the biggest issues in the real estate market is foreclosure. Not everybody understands the meaning of foreclosure but it basically means that if you have a loan secured against your home but fail …
Managing Student Loans

Managing Student Loans

Most people with student loans choose to keep their loans around for the tax break or because it has a low interest rate.  However, why would you want to do this when you could pay …
When to consider a Short Sale

When to consider a Short Sale

Short sales emerged in early 1990 and since then, with the easy mortgages and the booming real estate market, they have been out of use, or at least written about but little. Now, with the …
High Cost of Healthcare

High Cost of Healthcare

Health insurance is so expensive because every day fewer people are paying for their health care. The people who have insurance, be it private or Medicare and the insurance companies are paying for the uninsured peoples health …
What is Disposable Income in a Budget

What is Disposable Income in a Budget

In personal finance, the terms disposable income and discretionary income are sometimes used interchangeably, but they are different, which can be confusing. As a guide, in a budget disposable income is what an individual has …
Understanding the Basics of Forex Trading

Understanding the Basics of Forex Trading

Losses are part and parcel of forex trading. Every successful forex trader understands that losses are an inevitable part of trading. The important issue to consider is how those losses can be minimized while the …
How does an Interest only Mortgage Work

How does an Interest only Mortgage Work

A mortgage is a financial contract between the lender and the borrower. Mortgages are tailored to the individual and the precise terms and conditions given will be dependent on many different factors, such as the …
Save Money on Back to School Supplies

Save Money on Back to School Supplies

The annual back-to-school rush is underway. The kids are excited, and parents’ stretched wallets are further strained by the added demand for school supplies. Every penny saved is a small windfall that will undoubtedly be …
Benefits of Passive Income

Benefits of Passive Income

Passive income, or money someone receives for existing and owning certain assets, is a beneficial way to accomplish many tasks that lead to a healthier, less stressful, and financially safer life. The main overarching benefit …
Saving for Pension while Young

Saving for Pension while Young

Most young adults today – university students and 20-something professionals – have short-term plans for their future. They think more about what they will have accomplished by the time they reach the age of 40. …
What is a Private Bank

What is a Private Bank

Banks can either be incorporated or not incorporated. This means that they are either considered to be a legal entity in their own right or they are not. A private bank is not incorporated and …
Renters Insurance

Renters Insurance

“The best $90 I spent in my entire life!” Can you believe that it is renter’s insurance that prompts this exclamation? I know that money is tight when you are in college, but if you …
How to Lock in your Mortgage Rate

How to Lock in your Mortgage Rate

There are a number of schemes that can be taken out to fix your mortgage rate. a) Fixed rate schemes. These work by holding the interest rate at a stated rate for a given period, …
How to get out of Debt

How to get out of Debt

There are a variety of ways that a person can use to get out of debt and these methods generally depend on where the debt comes from. The situations of individuals who wish to get …
How to Live on 80 of your Income

How to Live on 80 of your Income

Everyone dreams of living like a millionaire on a poor man’s budget. It’s not impossible and it’s well within anyone’s reach. It doesn’t matter how much money one does or doesn’t make, it’s all in …
Medicaid Planning Medicaid

Medicaid Planning Medicaid

Medicaid is a joint federal and state, need-based program that is often needed by senior citizens to pay for the catastrophic costs of nursing home expenses.  Medicaid planning involves tactics used to preserve assets while …
Golden Rules for Financial Prosperity

Golden Rules for Financial Prosperity

The golden rule for financial prosperity is to pay yourself first. You pay everyone else, why not pay yourself? You make sure everyone else has their money, but you don’t give yourself any money for …