The Basics of Financial Planning

The Basics of Financial Planning

Financial planning is a broad term used to cover the concepts of earning, saving and investing money. At it’s most basic, financial planning calls for making a goal and creating steps to meet it. FIRST …
Credit card myth: Showing ID at the register

Credit card myth: Showing ID at the register

Privacy or security?  Which is more valuable?  Credit card holders have differing viewpoints. If retailers ask customers to show proof of identity when presented with a credit card for payment, it’s more difficult for a …
How Personal Bankruptcy Affects your Life

How Personal Bankruptcy Affects your Life

Personal bankruptcy can affect one’s life in a variety of ways. It can have both negative and positive effects. All of these factors should be anticipated when one is considering this decision. Of course, there …
Choosing Money Market Funds over Cds

Choosing Money Market Funds over Cds

Deciding on your investment strategy can sometimes be a difficult process, with a load of different investment options available to you. The problem is that sometimes, especially for the new investor it can be overwhelming …
Getting along without Credit Card Debt

Getting along without Credit Card Debt

A better title for this article might be “How to live without credit card DEBT,” because it is difficult, if not impossible, nowadays to function in our economy without having at least one credit card …
Why is Health Insurance so Expensive

Why is Health Insurance so Expensive

With medical expenses in America equivalent to 15.3 % verses 11.6% in Switzerland, 9.9 % in Canada, and 8.3% in the United Kingdom (figures are from OECD Health Data, 2006), it is clear the Americans …
What is Collision Insurance

What is Collision Insurance

Any one who shops for car insurance should become familiar with the term collision insurance. It is understandable that  people worry about keeping  the premium down, and so are tempted to request the least coverage possible for the …
Affordable Life Insurance

Affordable Life Insurance

Life insurance plans come in many forms with varying pricing on each. Some Life insurance plans come in the form of whole life, term life and simplified issue. Depending on the type of life insurance …
How to Lower your Mortgage Payment

How to Lower your Mortgage Payment

Mortgage payments often represent a hefty proportion of monthly income, which may become an increasing burden on homeowners. Many experience the switch from a fixed rate to an adjustable rate as an initial offer expires, with …
Tax Consequences of a Home Foreclosure

Tax Consequences of a Home Foreclosure

The economic recession of 2008-2010 may be staging a slow recovery but one of the casualties of the recession has been the huge numbers of home foreclosures.   With an estimated 25 percent of homes that …
Why People Lose Money

Why People Lose Money

The reasons why people lose their money are as varied and diverse as the individuals themselves. Yet, there are many common ways in which we can lose our precious wealth. This article aims to examine …
How to Protect your Property

How to Protect your Property

Home insurance serves many purposes, but its primary function is to protect your property from loss due to damage or theft. There are many ways insurance is used to protect an individual’s property. These include …
What are the Benefits of Online Bill Pay

What are the Benefits of Online Bill Pay

Online bill payment is a mode of bill payment in which you issue the payment instructions over the Internet by logging into the service provider’s website or an online payment service website. With increasing Internet …
Mobile Home Insurance Policies

Mobile Home Insurance Policies

The process of purchasing an insurance policy for a manufactured or mobile home is basically the same as buying a standard homeowner’s policy, with just a few exceptions. Every homeowner’s insurance policy should have coverage …
Ways in which Frugality Pays

Ways in which Frugality Pays

People often make jokes about frugal people. While the jokes may be funny, there is something to be said about being frugal. Frugal folks often have the means to take care of emergency issues like …
Fast Cash Christmas Loans

Fast Cash Christmas Loans

Many people think that a fast Christmas loan is the answer to having a fabulous Christmas, filled with lots of nice gifts. These loans are easily accessible to nearly anyone, and they are quick. The …