Car Insurance Reviews Usaa

Car Insurance Reviews Usaa

My association with USAA spans a twenty-five year period. Through that time, involving all types of insurance situations, I have enjoyed nothing less than superior customer care. Extending from the bottom of the organization to …
Money Saving Tips on Car Insurance

Money Saving Tips on Car Insurance

In a struggling economy, people are looking for ways to cut expenses and save money.  One of the easiest places to start cutting expenses is your car insurance.  Do some research, and learn the ins …
Affordable Health Insurance

Affordable Health Insurance

The key to finding the right health insurance is to find coverage that is appropriate to your needs. Not all health insurance plans are created equal, and not all plans are right for everyone. Some …
Top Mortgage Mistakes to Avoid

Top Mortgage Mistakes to Avoid

For most homebuyers, buying a home goes hand in hand with getting a mortgage. However, what most homebuyers do not know is how to avoid some of the most common mortgage pitfalls that will wind …
Student Credit Cards Taking the Plunge

Student Credit Cards Taking the Plunge

Einstein was quoted that, “The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest”. I had no idea how right he really was until I maxed out my first credit card. And the chances are, …
Medical Bankruptcy what happens after you File

Medical Bankruptcy what happens after you File

For many, ‘bankruptcy’ is a familiar term heard from time to time through the mass media in relation to institutions and individuals who fall down from their great financial heights. However, the term ‘medical bankruptcy’ …
Time Sharign Scam

Time Sharign Scam

Many timeshare owners know what a time sharing scam really means. There are different ploys and dirty tricks how to get your money for overrated property and services. But did you know that there is …
Compare Apr Apy

Compare Apr Apy

Comparing APR and APY to determine your mortgage rates can be daunting. The two acronyms are virtually identical. However, it’s simple to explain the difference and with a simple mnemonic you’ll always be able to …
Choosing a Tax Preparer

Choosing a Tax Preparer

Tax season comes around every year and ends on April 15th. The two guarantees in American society are death and taxes. Everybody is going to die and everybody is going to have to pay their …
Medicare Supplements Versus Advantage Plans

Medicare Supplements Versus Advantage Plans

Recently Medicare Advantage plans have becoming more popular. The plans are offering more benefits and saving seniors more money on their health care costs. However, like all new products or services, Medicare Advantage plans do …