Spending and Saving Archive

How much Online Payments Cost

Depending on the financial institution and the type of online payment method used, fees for online payments can differ for customers, financial institutions and retailers. For example, wire transfer payments often cost customers more than …

Banks that Reimburse ATM Surcharges

American consumers are targeted by banks that charge them for services. Monthly maintenance fees are the norm and consumers are charged for withdrawing their own funds if they happen to use a non-affiliated ATM. Whilst …

How to Start an Emergency Fund

It’s not surprising that many people don’t have an emergency fund or substantial amount of money saved. It’s difficult to save money if you feel like all of your income goes directly to paying your …

What to Buy what to Skip at Yard Sales

Summertime is often loaded with yard sales and that means awesome bargains. For some people, attending yard sales is almost a full-time profession. These thrifty buyers know what to look for and what to stay …

7 Tips on Saving Money

The First Tip is to learn how to spend: To get ahead and stay out of debt we need to learn to spend less than the money we make. This makes sense, but how do …

How to Make Groceries last Longer

Why spend your hard earned cash on groceries only to end up throwing a large quantity of it away. Not only is this a waste of food, it is a ridiculous waste of money. If …

Good Reasons to Shop at Warehouses

Warehouse store memberships are often well worth the money, but they do have some risks associated with them. Many people wonder how they can continually walk out of a warehouse store with such a large …

Online Banking Safe Practices for Transactions

Online banking has increased its popularity over the last few years. Online banking has made it easier and more convenient for businessmen, web entrepreneurs and even the average shopper to complete transactions “on-the-go.” However, online …

Making your Bank Accounts Work for you

The process of making your bank accounts work for you need not necessarily be a complicated one. It is, however, necessarily a process which you manage very carefully on an ongoing basis, to ensure that …

Unusual Ways to Save

Saving for the holiday’s can seem like a daunting task for many families. There are many easy, fun and great ways to save for the holiday’s without sacrificing a lot in other areas of the …

Tips for Improving ATM Safety

The automated teller machine (ATM) is one of life’s little conveniences.  When needing cash, one is no longer restricted to banking hours, with a multitude of ATM machines in strategic places, cash is available almost …

Benefits of being Frugal

Nowadays there is so much expense everywhere you look. No shopping trip is complete without a treat, whether it is a new sparkly top or a new handbag.  Those people with an adequate budget can …

The Basics of having a Bank Account

The bank account is a way in which a person can pay money in the account, or make payments for goods, withdrawals of cash. Main criteria of having an account is the need to withdraw …

Coping with Todays High Cost of Living

Coping with the cost of living today has become a struggle for even the most frugal individual. Prices are at an all time high and there is seemingly no relief in sight. I never thought …

Reasons to Pay Bills Online

Paying bills is sadly something nearly all of us have to do at regular intervals throughout the year. Until recently most bills came through the post but in recent years more and more of us …

Survive Unemployment

Unemployment, while being a hammering blow financially, is also one of the most stressful occurrences during the course of our lives, whether it be due to redundancy, cut-backs or personal fault. It’s up there with …

Banking in Remote Communities

Our TV screens seem to be awash with property programmes and many of the people featured are pursuing a dream to move from the urban rat race to a more sedate lifestyle in the countryside. …

7 Tips on Saving Money

Nowadays, bills seem to pile up, leaving your account nearly bone dry on a monthly basis. You feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Even with a raise, you can’t …

How to Make your Money last until Pay Day

The idea of putting aside a portion of the paycheck in order to save for the inevitable rainy days is quite compelling but given the ever-increasing prices of commodities especially during these tough economic times, …

Should you Buy American Made Products

As long as we continue functioning under a pure capitalist system, the need to justify our actions will always be overshadowed by our wish to gain profit. Some believe that by buying products that are …