Spending and Saving Archive

Types of Bank Fraud

Banking fraud is any falsification, theft, misinformation or otherwise illegal method used to obtain money through or from a federally regulated banking system. According to Title 18 of the U.S. Code, bank fraud is punishable …

Advantages of Online Banking

Have you tried online banking yet? If you have not, you are missing out on something that is so easy to use, and is something that you are going to really want to try. There …

Causes of Overspending

It is easier to overspend today that it has ever been. With the advent of credit cards, lines of credit, car loans, home equity loans, and all those “buy now, pay later” offers, there are …

Money Saving Tips for Summer

Summer can be a good time to save money. With a little care, we can take advantage of the warm temperatures, long days, and the growing season, and use them to our advantage. 1. Using …

Avoid Bank Fees

Are you planning to open a bank account? If you already have one, are you tired of being hit with nasty fees that are draining your balance? It is crucial to stop this insanity now! …

How to Grow Rich on a Meager Income

How does one become rich on a meager income?  It was once said that a man who works for somebody else, will never, themselves, become rich]. And, if you do happen to work for somebody …

How to Save Money at Cvs

CVS has a great way for its customers to save and to earn money.  CVS has a rewards program for its members.  The first thing a member must do is sign up of the program.  …

Tips for using Online Banking

Online banking can be a very beneficial and useful means of keeping track of your funds and your budget. Not only can it save time as it voids the usual routine of having to go …

How to Live on 80 of your Income

In today’s economy scaling back may be the way to survive. Most people have to take steps to they are not accustomed to. There are many ways you can scale back on your salary and …

Buy now Pay later

Wasteful spending has become a commonplace in society today. We are a consumer-based generation who want more than we are able to afford currently. We lack the patience to save and have been given access …

Money Saving Tips for Summer

Summer is here at last. For many people its hard to get out of the winter rut and enjoy summer like we used to as children. There are many ways to do that and here …

5 Reasons to keep a Separate Savings Account

Savings are an integral part of efficient money management. They represent security for the future. Savings reward the astute saver who researches the highest interest-bearing accounts, with dividends in the form of interest, which will …

Save Money

Each person has their own way of saving some money, or ways they are trying to help save money during the current economic situation. Below are a few ways of saving money that people may …

How to Cut down on Living Expences

Cutting down on living expenses need not be the huge sacrifice that you think it might. You can live a healthy and enjoyable lifestyle, without missing out on the things that you love. Once you …

Tips for Living on one Income

Living on one income is not impossible. Yes it is hard, but not impossible for a family to do. We have been living on one income for ten years and now have three children and …

How Interest is Calculated on your Savings

While everyone should care about their savings all the time, this is especially true when people feel the pinch and interest rates are low. This is when everyone wants to know how interest is calculated …

Fdic Insurance

During the last few months, many Americans have started worrying about the security of their money as there have been many bank closures and many more on the FDIC watch list. With that being said, …

Ways to Reduce your Phone Bill

Household telephone bills, be they for mobiles or land lines, can be the cause of much anguish in many households – even more so when you throw a couple of teenagers into the mix. Phone bills can …