Spending and Saving Archive

How to Balance your Checkbook

Balancing your checkbook is a simple task, as long as you do it often (and no, it does not mean setting it on your head and trying to keep it from falling off).All it requires …

Living with a Small Budget

The greatest problem that we all face when living on a low budget is probably the issue of living. While it is possible to exist with next to no money, we do find it increasingly …

Sticking to a Budget

The art of sticking to a budget lies in having a budget that you can stick to. Many people approach budgets like they do a diet: “I’m going to save $1000 a month and become …

Are Banks Making too much Profit

There aren’t many consumers that would disagree that the modern banking industry has created a means of profiting off of the misfortune of others.  Those that need the money the most are the ones that …

What is Frugalism

Frugalism is also known as thriftiness. Many frugal people are considered by others as being cheap. One difference between being frugal and cheap is that frugal people try to get the most for their money, …

Tips on Couponing

     One of the most efficient ways to cut back on your grocery budget is couponing. If you put some time into it you can be couponing like a pro in no time. Now one …

How to Balance your Checkbook

If the words “balance your checkbook” make you cringe or you’re never quite sure how much cash you have in your account because you’ve been putting off the inevitable, the few minutes you spend putting …

How to Save Money and be a Green Consumer

Living on less is no longer an option. Rising costs for property taxes, gasoline, and food coupled with either being unemployed or “waiting for the ax to fall” may already be your reality. It is …

The Benefits of Saving Money

The benefits of saving money are numerous beyond belief, as a great many have found in the wake of economic crisis and Credit Crunch. Although many people believe that they have a safe job and …

Fdic Limits one Bank Savings

Recently there have been a number of different bank failures which have left people with large amounts of money deposited in savings high and dry when the dust settled. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) …

Banks that Reimburse ATM Surcharges

You now live in a world where carrying a debit card is virtually a must.  From grocery shopping to buying big-ticket items, the debit card in your wallet has replaced the checkbook for accessing funds without …

Small changes to Save Big Money

You may end up spending more than you think when you don’t keep track of what you spend. One way to see how you may be able to save more is to track everything you …

How to Balance your Checkbook

Balancing your checkbook actually sounds a little out-moded nowadays as, in England, of late, many outlets have stopped accepting cheques. However, whether it is your checkbook receipts or those of your switch and debit cards, …

Is a Bank Account Worthwhile for Poor People

Regardless of your socioeconomic status, a bank account can be extremely important. While many in the lower classes assume that having a bank account isn’t necessary because of their lack of any real funds, this …

The Basics of having a Bank Account

So, you opened your first bank account. Congratulations! You have now joined the ranks of responsible adults everywhere. Now to keep it that way. Most banks are companies that want to make profits, except credit …

Simple Ways to Lower your Bills

Are you wondering why you’re always in debt? Or, trying to save more money but don’t know how? One of the biggest challenges families today are having is trying to figure out more ways to …

How to Save Money on Bank Fees

Bank accounts can be a source for lost money. With banks charging more fees to regain the stature they held prior to the recession, many of their customers feel the sting of these increases in …

Cut your Gas Budget

Gas prices fluctuate but still learning how to save money by reducing your need for gas saves money. Gasoline for driving is an ever increasing expense and is one that is easier to lower than …

The Benefits of Saving

Life is uncertain. People save primarily because of the inherent uncertainty about the opportunities and threats that they face or could face in the present and future. The benefits of saving (setting aside money for …

Investing what are Money Market Funds

A money market fund is a government regulated mutual fund that invests in low risk securities in order to stave off some risk. In order to maintain a low risk, companies that administer money market …