Loans Archive

Surviving a Forclosure

I’ve been there. I had to walk away. Actually, I ran away. My paycheck no longer could stretch in every direction. I tried with all of my might to keep a roof over our heads, …

Managing Student Loans

Over two thirds of students use loans to help finance their college education. Many of these students are still youngsters with little or no experience of dealing with finances and fail to understand the implications …

Mortgage Bail out Fairness – Yes

Phrasing how this nation finds a way to alleviate the joint economic and mortgage crises with terms such as “fair” and “bail out” slants the debate by invoking qualities the majority would deem good versus …

How to get out of Debt with Pay Day Loans

Once again consumer advocates call for the abolition of pay day loans, citing the financial misery they cause to those trapped in the cycle of pay day loan debt. However those who are juggling several …

How to Qualify for Loan Forgiveness

In recent years the potential for student loan forgiveness has vastly improved, with a growth in both federal and state programs available. Additional programs are also available through the voluntary sector and the military. Forgiveness is …

Home Ownership and FAFSA

Owning more than one home affects the Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by increasing net asset value for a family. Since assets are a significant factor in the FAFSA ‘application’, and the FAFSA …

Saving Money on your Mortgage

When you take out a mortgage, most lending institutions require that you pay private mortgage insurance (pmi) if your down payment is less than 20% of your new home. A normal annual payment of PMI …

The Truth about Payday Loans

Pay Day Loans seem to be the black sheep of the financial products’ family and lenders who deal with this kind of loans are considered to be dishonest, abusive, almost as if they were criminals …

Managing Student Loans

Once you have decided that you are definitely going to college and you have found the school that seems to match you perfectly, you really have to start planning out your future education and the …

Good Faith Estimate Explained

A good faith estimate, or GFE, is a document that is required by law to be provided to you by your mortgage broker or lender. It must be provided within three working days of the …

Best Ways to Ensure you Pay Back a Loan

With great power, comes great responsibility. Of course, paying back a loan is no exception. Even though you might not be in the ‘seat of power’ as the debtor, and not the holder, of the …

The Advantages of using Pawn Shops for Loans

Pawnshops represent one of the oldest industries in the world and they have certainly returned to fashion in recent years, with several advantages for those seeking loans or bargain purchases. Many have transformed into soulless …

The Truth behind no Interest Loans

Recently the auto industry has been touting interest free loans on a number of their models. Other industries, in an effort to boost sales, have been doing this for years. Appliances, carpeting, electronic equipment, and …

How to Save your Home from Foreclosure

Foreclosure is the latest real estate “F” word. With numbers on the rise since 2007, foreclosure has become a common occurrence in neighborhoods across the nation from Wall Street to Main Street, USA. Statistics tell …

Personal Loans for Unemployed People

There’s a not-very-funny old joke about applying for personal loans that was probably familiar in the Great Depression days of the early 1930s. It concerns how difficult it is for an unemployed person to get …

Managing Student Loans

When you obtain a student loan, you are accepting money upfront in exchange for the ability to get a college education. Since most people cannot afford the 25,000 dollars or more that it costs to …

The Federal Gradplus Loan for Students

Graduates who enrol in graduate school or professional programs such as law and medicine, will face another hefty tuition bill, plus the attendant costs of completing their course. Graduate study can be more expensive to …

Why do i need Mortgage Insurance

Sometimes the best rewards in life are something we may have right in front of our noses, but we don’t even see it. Many of us who own a mortgage think we are a super …

College Savings Plans

College is an investment for a lifetime. A college education opens doors for a graduate that otherwise might never have such opportunities. But in today’s economic climate, saving for your children’s future can be daunting. …

Online Payday Loans an Overview

What are Online Payday Loans?Online payday loans are loans from an online lender for a short term typically sixty days or less for a high interest rate. Rates can range from 260.00% and 780.00%.Consumers can …

Reasons to Borrow Money from your 401k

One of the more popular retirement savings vehicles is the 401(k). The main purpose of the 401(k) is retirement savings, but in certain instances you may be able to borrow money from your account. It …

Real Estate

A mortgage is a debt owed to a bank or some other lending institution by a person for the purpose of the purchase of Real Estate. As time passes that debt is paid and you …

Mortgage Money Matters

There are few people who can afford to buy a house outright so in order to pay for a home a mortgage needs to be arranged. A mortgage or home loan means the long term …