Loans Archive

Saving your Home from Foreclosure

Stop! Before you go any further, ask yourself the single most important question: why is your home in (or near) foreclosure? You cannot possibly make a reasonable plan to get out from the danger of …

The Public Service Loan Forgivness Program

There are some excellent loan forgiveness programs available to students who choose to work in the public sector after receiving their professional qualifications. Incoming graduate professionals can apply for programs in the field of law, …

Inflation Federal Reserve Currency – Yes

The aftermath of the Panic of 1893 revealed serious problems with the National Bank system that attempted to impose some degree of uniformity on the U.S. currency, restore the credit of the United States following …

Federal Student Aid

There aren’t many people who can pay for college out of their paychecks right now. The recession has hit nearly everyone on the planet; and some harder than others. Student loans are the key to …

How to Save on Car Insurance

Car insurance is mandatory in most states, and rates to insure your automobile can be quiet expensive. Luckily there are many ways to save money on car insurance with a few easy, simple tricks. Compare …

Managing Student Loans

Unfortunately with cost of tuition rising it’s difficult for averaged income families to afford college tuition. Most people feel the only way to pay for college is to take out loans and many of them. …

Benefits of Online Cash Advance Loans

Most people at some time or another are going to be a little strapped for cash. When something unexpected happens when you’re in that situation and you would really rather not, or maybe can’t go …

How to get a Business Loan

As a respected professional in the Financial Industry I’d like to lay out some footing on what you need to know about business loans. My current position is with an international financial institution and I …

How to Refinance Car Loan

Very few people enjoy a trip to the bank when it involves discussing a loan. Most car loans are never refinanced, but in some instances, this is necessary. When you need to refinance your car, …

Student Loans Paying for College

A college loan is the least favorable way to pay for college, as it eventually must be paid back, but yet for many students, it has been a lifeline to obtaining higher education and making …

The how and when on Personal Loans

Personal loans are offered to you many of different ways such as advertisement,by mail newspapers,t.v., radio.or by email on your computer.A good tip is that you should only use personal loans in a emergency or …

How Repurchase Agreements Work

Repurchase agreements are short-term financial transactions between traders of government securities; often financial institutions and government agents, but also private parties. These transactions typically involve large amounts of money and require the seller of financial …

Managing Student Loans

In Montana, single parents can get loans and financial aid for college. Loan programs offer help for single mother and fathers with student loans that cater to their particular needs. There are several programs in …

How to Apply for a UK Student Loan

Attending university is exciting, scary – and expensive. The best things in life are free, according to the song, but further education isn’t, and the stress of supporting yourself through university can impact seriously on …

Seller Financing in Home Buying

With the volatility of the current real estate market and the volumes of “product” sitting on the market going stale, seller financing is going to be the wave of the future. What is seller financing …

Ways to Pay off your Mortgage Faster

Your home mortgage is likely the largest debt you will ever take out.  Mortgages are usually 15 years or 30 years in length.  It is usually advised to make efforts to pay off your mortgage …

Understanding Mortgage Options

A home is probably the most important investment of a borrower’s life. When it comes to home financing, one needs to take deliberate and informed decisions. Therefore, before taking a plunge into the mortgage market, …

Lowering Mortgage Interest

Just a couple of years ago before the big crash, I was able to obtain a loan to buy a million dollar home just by  over inflating my income sources. No other questions were asked, …

Student Loans after Bankruptcy

If you filed for bankruptcy but still want to go to college and need student loans to go, don’t feel financing your education is impossible. While private loans are virtually an impossibility, students that filed …

Managing Student Loans

Students are increasingly wary of running up high levels of student loan debt to finance college as costs rise year on year. Whilst it helps to be born into a wealthy family with a silver …

Benefits of Unsecured Loans

An unsecured loan is a very popular type of loan. In this type of loan, you do not put up any collateral such as a house. This makes it more of a risk for the …

Five Ways to Pay less for your Mortgage

A mortgage is the only way most people can afford to become a homeowner. However, every mortgage holder would like to be rid of that mortgage as painlessly as possible. These ways to pay less …