Financial Planning Archive

How to Identify Bad Financial Advice

Asking someone how to handle money is like asking them which religion is the correct one. Everyone has an opinion, and everyone thinks they’re right. Between all of these differing views, it can often be …


The majority of people who are alive on Earth do not have an unlimited supply of money. Home foreclosures are still at record levels as of May, 2010. The “job outsourcing” activities of the World’s largest multinational corporations …

How to Solve your Money Problems

You have money problems? Well, most people do whether rich or poor. There are many ways to solve your money problems you must be proactive in finding solutions. Finding solutions for money problems can be …

Do you need a Financial Planner

It is wise to have a financial plan, but not everyone needs a financial planner. Whether you read money magazines, the newspaper’s business section, or scour the Internet, there is plenty of information related to …

Money Management

One of the biggest myths about being in debt is that you have no control over it and that outside forces are conspiring to drive you deeper into debt. While there are some common practices …

The Power of Doubling Investment Advice

Everybody wants to invoke the ‘Oracle of Omaha’, when discussing investments, and not to take anything away form Warren, but, even he will tell you, what he did, was, really, quite simple. In fact, you …

How to Calculate Daily Disposable Income

In the current climate when many countries around the world are making cutbacks, disposable income is at its lowest level in many years. Tax rises and inflation are the key factors in ensuring that people …

Finances in your 20s

When a person is in their 20s, they have their entire life ahead of them and it is time to think carefully about money. Suze Orman states that financial freedom is our birthright and it …

Financial Planning Opportunity Cost

Every action has a reaction. This physics concepts applies to everything in the world, including finance. If you are creating a financial planner, you are in the process of creating goals for yourself. It also …

Financial Planners is a Salaried one best

If you have 401k plans floating out in the netherworld from past employers, have money to invest but don’t know where to put it, or haven’t even started planning for retirement, a financial planner can …

Tips to Save Money on Funeral Expenses

Thinking about funerals can be a highly emotional subject and that is precisely why funerals can be so expensive. One does not have to be a highly logical person or a penny pincher to think …

Benefits of Financial Planning

Financial planning can keep you from being homeless. Financial planning allows you to save and invest in your future. Financial planning lowers stress. There are many reasons why financial planning is good to do. In …

Tips for Summer Job Teans

If your a teenager with a summer job and your wondering why can’t I buy that car I want or that new Ipod or Ipad then you are a victim of bad financial planning. Here a some …

Financial Tips for People in their 20s

Time is a very essential element in building wealth. Bill Gates never made Microsoft into a billion dollar company overnight nor did Warren Buffet with Berkshire Hathaway. It took them decades to establish their companies, …

Back in the Nest Helpful or Harmful

Are your expenses outstripping your income?  Have you incurred debts you are having difficulty re-paying?  Do you want to go back to school, get a car, or make a down payment on a house, and simply can’t save the money?  Are you stuck on a …

Financial Advice for Teenagers

Early in a teens life, financial advice can be instilled. Teaching teens to save for a rainy day is a smart thing to do. For most teenagers, having a car and gas money is the coolest …

Money Tips for Single People

Single people are often thought to have it easy when it comes to money management. There is nobody to derail their financial plans and their income can stretch a lot further because it only has …

Ways on how to Achieve Financial Success

Everybody wants to achieve financial success. Financial success brings a great sense of security and peace of mind. However, as much as everybody wants to achieve financial success, only a very few make it. Financial …