Understanding Stock Dilution

Understanding Stock Dilution

Understanding stock dilution Most companies are divided into shares – portions of the company with equal value. The company may be made up of 10 shares or 10 million. This is to spread ownership of …
Pros and Cons of Savings Accounts

Pros and Cons of Savings Accounts

In recent years, the interest rates of savings accounts have plummeted. Because of this, many people do not see the value of having a savings account as the rates are not as high as they …
Benefits of Rewards Debit Cards

Benefits of Rewards Debit Cards

Most banks such as Citibank, Chase, and Wells Fargo give new checking account customers the opportunity to use a debit card that could, well, “give something back.”  That “something” may be points or even …
How to Teach your Children about Making Investments

How to Teach your Children about Making Investments

SPENDING, INVESTING, AND GIVING SIMULTANEOUSLY Learning about the concept of money should simultaneously include lessons on investing. Children understand more than we give them credit for. Teach them early and often, because they won’t learn …
Simple Steps to Improve your Credit

Simple Steps to Improve your Credit

Improving your credit score can be easy. A good credit score is above 700. Having a good credit score is important for several reasons: lower interest rates, getting a loan, and lower insurance premiums. Pull …
Alternatives to Gold Bullion

Alternatives to Gold Bullion

Gold bullion is a popular investment. The metal is clearly recognisable and is universally recognised as a store of value. Throughout history gold has been seen as a hedge against economic, political and financial crisis. …
Ecologically Friendly Cost Saving Tips

Ecologically Friendly Cost Saving Tips

Many people think “going green” or living environmentally friendly is expensive, but there are many ways that it can be cost friendly.  Most newer appliances, such as refrigerator, dishwasher, clothes washer and air conditioner are …
Obama Related Investing

Obama Related Investing

A change we can believe in. Most American manufacturers hope so. President-Elect Barak Obama is inheriting an economic situation that has not been this grave since the ages of the Great Depression. What companies could …
Reducing your Auto Insurance Premium

Reducing your Auto Insurance Premium

When shopping for auto insurance, there are several factors to consider. While you may not be able to change potentially negative aspects of your situation such as age, driving history, or teenage drivers in your …
Retirement Planning Mistakes to Avoid

Retirement Planning Mistakes to Avoid

Retirement planning is possibly the most difficult part of financial planning because it is extremely difficult to predict the exact years of employment, the exact amount of money that you will accumulate during the years …
Money Saving Tips for Freelancers

Money Saving Tips for Freelancers

Are you a freelance writer? If so, you probably know what it’s like to be cash-strapped. You’re probably looking for any way that you possibly can to save money. The freelancer means that an income …
Analyzing the Housing Market Downturn

Analyzing the Housing Market Downturn

The beginning of this decade brought speculation of what was to come, tomorrow or next year. We had found the values of homes going upward, in some areas doubling or tripling, if one was lucky …
Investment Myths to be Aware of

Investment Myths to be Aware of

Investment is simply the act of  placing money into a vehicle with the expectation of making more money. However, investing is a science. There is some homework to be done and investing is not merely …