Managing Credit and Debt Archive

Steps to becoming Debt Free

After years of mismanaging our money, and poor financial decisions, my wife and I found ourselves in a deep whole. We both have jobs earning a decent wage, but were still living paycheck to paycheck. …

How to Pay off Multilple Credit Cards

Having one or two credit cards which need your attention is commonplace. To have multiple credit cards which need paying off is a sign that things are out of control. Interest is charged on each outstanding card …

How to Manage an Overdraft

In modern business practices and in personal financing, business entities and persons alike may need additional funding than the funds that are actually available in a banking account. The requirements are often short term and …

Should you Pay down Devt or Invest more

Should you pay down debt or invest more? Well, it depends on your situation. Personally, I would invest rather than pay down debt. Your investment can always pay off your debt. If you choose to …

Negotiate Store Credit

At times you can find yourself in a tough financial situation, perhaps you are unemployed due to a career change, or a new family situation; and you just need that extra help for a short …

Credit Card Tips Finance Tips

Choosing the right credit card is a very difficult task with so many lenders willing to offer you one. You need to find out which one best suits you. Here are ten tips that will …

How to Hurt your Credit Score

If you want to hamper your ability to get a consumer loan, dash your hopes of ever securing a mortgage, kill all chances of landing a job or even renting an apartment and in some …

Steps to becoming Debt Free

Accumulatng debt is one of the easiest and one of the most dangerous things a person can do. You can show discipline and muddle through, but then you get hit by some emergency. The only …

Steps to becoming Debt Free

The steps of becoming debt-free are simple by principle. But when you actually face the fact that there is debt in your name, everything becomes a bit more difficult in getting rid of that debt. …

Five Important Steps to Pay off College Debt

There’s a storm coming to the United States. Actually, there are several storms, including a more than $1 trillion behemoth of student loan debt that has been inflicted upon the country’s youth and taxpayers. Canada …

How to Clear your Debt in just a few Years

It’s a sad fact that very many people these days are saddled with debt. This debt includes personal loans, credit cards, overdrafts and mortgages. Back in 2001, the total US household debt just from credit …

Secured vs Unsecured Loans

Getting loans is a necessary part of anyone’s financial life. Because of this, it is important to understand the different types of credit available on the market today.  When looking for a loan, there are …

Is Credit Leading to the Downfall of Society

Clearly, abuse of credit has done serious damage to the American economy, but the sky isn’t falling. While bond insurer Ambac disappointed investors today, at least the poor saps who took directional positions, it has …

Guide to free credit reports

Who hasn’t heard those catchy TV jingles telling about all the problems that could have been solved with a free credit report? In a way it is true. If you regularly get free instant credit …

Capital Homesteading for every Citizen

Until the 16th century and the reinvention of commercial or mercantile banking, the way to invest was to withhold some of your income from consumption, accumulate enough savings in the form of cash, then invest …

Causes of Income Inequality

Many people continue to believe that if you work really hard, you will eventually become successful. While there are many definitions for success, it is used here as it applies to increased income. However, global …

Guide to free credit reports

Everyone is entitled to a free annual credit report. There are plenty of advertisements online and on TV touting free ways to get your credit report; just look a the 2008 commercial in which a …

Why Consolidate Credit Card Debt

Multiple credit card debts are a recipe for financial disaster, which are likely to result in penalty interest rates and late payment charges unless card repayments are properly organized. Anyone struggling with debt repayments will …