Managing Credit and Debt Archive

Tips for Avoiding Credit Repair Scams

Most of us have seen the claims: We can help you repair your credit. What most of these advertisements are out for, is to get your money. In fact, consumers who have credit problems may …

Consolidation Loans

Consolidation loans can be a good way to reduce monthly paperwork and the money spent on debt. In a consolidation loan, a consumer’s pre-existing loans are paid off with a new loan. This new loan …

How to keep a Healthy Credit Score

A healthy credit rating makes your financial life much simpler than an unhealthy one, as it gives you all the benefits which come through having proved that you are financially responsible. Once you have a …

Tips on Paying Credit Cards

For some people having a credit card or multiple credit cards can be a bad thing. If a situation arises in their life that causes them to need immediate money over and extended period, credit …

How to Pay off College Debt

Student loans are very normal for a typical college student. On average, students accumulate a total of $20,000 debt upon graduation and will face the task and responsibility of paying it off. The downside of …

Gide the Fair Credit Billing Act

A Guide to The Fair Credit Billing Act The main purpose of the Fair Credit Billing Act was to give the consumer legal recourse to billing errors found on their credit card statements. It was …

Get Great Credit

Your personal credit score is one of the most important things you should know about yourself. Anyone with a poor credit history will find it increasingly difficult to purchase large new items such as a …

The Threat of Radio Frequency Identification

During the Victorian era, pickpockets were rife. The scenes of Victorian vagabonds, trained by thieves like Fagin, from the Charles Dickens book, ‘Oliver Twist’, to act as pickpockets, is famous the world over. But those …

Why Debt Consolidation Doesn’t Work

After a few years of work, you applied for a credit card, which you got it the following month. You are extremely excited and went on spending like there is no tomorrow. You involved yourself …

An overview of electronic check conversion

Check books have always  been popular with businesses  for the payment of goods and services. It is still a preferred way of payment because it allows people the freedom to walk around with only a check book …

How to get Credit Card Debt under Control

Credit card debt is something that millions of people are struggling to get under control.  Either these people choose to ignore the situation or just have not implied the necessary tools to make their financial …

How to Stop Paying Credit Card Interest

Millions of consumers blindly pay credit card interest year after year, seemingly oblivious to the fact that there is no need to do so. Every single time a credit card is used which carries an …

How to Prevent Foreclosure on your Mortgage

With home values dropping in recent years and other circumstances you may find yourself in trouble when trying to make your mortgage payments. There are some steps to take to prevent foreclosure on your home.  …

Why Credit Cards Should Be Paid Early

One of the main reasons to pay your credit card bill early – or on time – is  because of the APR/Interest Rate.  The APR  is known as the Annual Percentage Rate, or the Interest …