Managing Credit and Debt Archive

A Guide to Managing your Overdraft

When expenses are tight among cashing checks, payday loans and credit card payments, it may be difficult to figure out what checks cleared and which ones didn’t. The U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) suggests …

How to Maintain a Good Credit Score

Maintaining a good credit score is vital if you ever use credit, work as an employee, or have insurance. It is your key to lower mortgage and loan interest rates. What is considered a good …

Settling Debts can Hurt your Credit

The good news is that often when you are struggling with debt and falling behind in your payments, you can work out a deal with your creditors whereby in exchange for your paying off a …

Credit Reports and Bankruptcy

People file for bankruptcy for different reasons. For some it is a result of poor financial management over a period of time, while for others it is the result of something totally out of their …

How to Consolidate Multiple Credit Cards

The process of consolidating multiple credit cards can be a fairly tedious and lengthy one. It is more than likely, however, that the benefits of doing so will far outweigh any inconvenience in the medium …

Get out of Debt how to be Debt Free

Getting out of debt can be a challenge. There are ways to get out of debt and stay debt free. If you want to put yourself in a better financial situation then you should avoid …

Tips for Understanding a Credit Report

Trying to understand a credit report can be a monumental task, if you’re not familiar with the terms and numbers used to rate your credit-worthiness. Fortunately, you don’t need to have an MBA to do …

Saving on Credit Card Debt

Getting out of credit card debt is a little like trying to escape quicksand. One wrong move and you sink deeper. Once your debt reaches a certain point, the effects of compounding interest rates and …

How to keep your Good Credit Score

Keeping a good credit score is important for a number of reasons. One of the main reasons is that your name will not be ‘blacklisted’. Other reasons are that you will be eligible for higher …

Bankrupty Recovery

A bankruptcy will stay on your credit report for ten years, but there are things in which you can do in order to increase your credit score from the very beginning. Bankruptcy is not the …

Free Credit Reports

We all know that financial institutions are increasingly risk adverse, we only have to look at the recent government subsidy of two major loan guarantors Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to know that times are …

Establishing Good Credit

Whether repairing bad credit, or establishing new credit, you can turn lemons into lemonade. While it can be frustrating trying to get credit, without credit, a few simply steps will get you headed in the …

How to Find a Good Accountant

Finding a good account is very important. If you do not have a good account, you will always wonder about your tax status. A good accountant is someone that you can get a hold of …

The Advantages of using Credit Unions

A credit union is a non-profit financial institution that is owned by, and provides banking services to, its members.  When you have money on deposit at a credit union, that constitutes your ownership share of …

How to Write a Credit Letter

A credit letter is written by an individual or company to a credit reporting body to correct an error, dispute a record, or dilate upon a claim, in the credit report sent to the individual …

Underwater Mortgage

The downturn in the housing market dates back to 2006 at the peak of the real estate bubble. Since then the price of most houses have tumbled from their lofty highs. During the great recession …

Deciding if Bankruptcy is the right Option

First bankruptcies are understandable, second and third bankruptcies are in excuseable. With the new bankruptcy laws that took affect earlier this year (2009) I don’t know if you can even do a total discharge anymore …

Getting out of Debt

Tough economic times. We are there. I hear it everywhere I go. People are worried and scrambling to stay afloat. Between higher energy prices and retail prices People have less extra money to spend. These …