Managing Credit and Debt Archive

Post Bankruptcy Rebuilding your Credit

You knew it when you were going into it, but it was seemingly unavoidable: filing for bankruptcy. Now you have to deal with the effects of that decision: specifically, how to rebuild your credit. Hopefully …

Should Teens have a Credit Card – Yes

Should Teens Have Credit Cards? As your children get older it may become tempting to protect them from the ravages of the world that they don’t quite know they’re going to face.  After all, that …

How to Eliminate Debt Fast

Getting out of debt fast may be easier to achieve than you think. You just need to identify how your goal will be reached and then commit to the plan you have made. Size up …

How to Eliminate Credit Card Debt

To eliminate credit card debt, you will need to come up with a tough plan for yourself. You will have to exercise self discipline! First of all, you will have to find out what your …

How to Protect your Good Credit

The importance of having good credit is more pertinent today than at any other time, as lenders tighten their criteria. Many people have worked hard to re-establish good credit and many of those new to …

How does a Credit Card Work

How does a credit card work is a question to which even those who use credit cards on an all but daily basis may essentially have little idea as to the answer. The overall process …

How to Deal with Bill Collectors

There are some bill collectors who break the rules and make a bad name for the good ones out there. If you’ve gotten a collection notice these are some helpful tips in dealing with a …

How to Build a Perfect Credit Record

You don’t need to be rich to have a perfect credit history. Establishing a blemish free record simply involves knowing what financial behaviors the credit bureaus smile down on, and which credit mistakes can result in stern disapproval. …

Get out of Debt

There are several steps you need to take in order to get out of debt. The first step to take before you can even consider becoming debt free, is to discipline yourself to not buy …

How to Reduce your Debt Fast

Are you looking for ways to get rid of your debt? If you are looking to get out of debt fast, and many people are, there are some strategies that you can employ in order …

Managing Credit Card Debt

Almost all of us use credit cards, and almost as many of us carry balances over from month to month on at least some of those cards. All of us know this is not a …

Pros and Cons of Debt Consolidation

One of the popular terms in today’s climate of debt and financial stress is debt consolidation. Before we take any action when it comes to our finances, we need to make sure we understand precisely …

How to Deal with Bill Collectors

Paying off debts is difficult for everyone nowadays, as the economy is worse than ever before, and making ends meet has become a  constant struggle. Unfortunately, this does not concern much  bill collectors who expect …

Rent to own Purchases Hazards of

Rent-to-own purchases are very popular. Especially in today’s economy, with so many families cutting back and in the throws of an economic recession. Rent to own stores generally set up shop in poor, low income …

Does debt die with the debtor?

Whether debt dies with the debtor depends on circumstances. Credit card debt often dies with the debtor, but not always. In general, all debts in an estate must be paid before the heirs can be …

Good Tips for using Credit Cards

Store credit cards can be a risky adventure, but if you use them intelligently, then they can be worthwhile in a few different manners. The biggest thing to be concerned about with store credit cards …

The Benefits of having a Credit Card

There are a great many benefits to be had from credit cards, both direct and indirect. Unfortunately, like so many aspects of life, having a credit card is a two-sided coin and there are equally …

Average Credit Score

The present economic climate in the United States has everyone looking at alternative options for managing money and debt. The system used by most legitimate credit companies in the United States keeps up with individual …

How to Determine if you have Bad Credit

Guess work is not the answer when  determining if you have bad credit as your credit score can be assessed by potential employers, insurance companies, mortgage companies, and credit and loan providers. Play it safe and keep …

How to Eliminate Credit Card Debt

Eliminating credit card debt. Like most things in life, accomplishing this task all depends on you, and what sacrifices you are willing to make. And talking from experience (about five thousand dollars worth), I can …