Managing Credit and Debt Archive

How to Avoid Debt

Avoiding debt is no easy task. With student loans, credit cards, and home mortgages, most Americans have some debt. However, that is no reason to drown in a mountain of debt!  With these simple tips, …

The Credit Card Trap

They trap you with their innocence. Enticing you to spend ever more increasing amounts of ‘invisible money – money that is not really yours. They lure you into a trap of deceit and deception. Never allowing you, …

Steps to Repair your Credit on your own

If your credit is in disrepair there is no instant fix to rectify it, no matter how many advertisements abound from so called credit repair specialists promising the impossible. There are steps which you can …

Eliminating Debt

FOUR SIMPLE STEPS FOR ELIMINATING DEBT The Book of Proverbs states: “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender” (Prov 22:7). If this is true, our nation is an …

Steps to becoming Debt Free

After many years of fighting debt, poor credit, thoughts of bankruptcy and temptations to sell my firstborn, I have stumbled onto a successful formula for getting out of debt, and more importantly, staying there. I …

Problems with using Credit Cards Overseas

Taking your credit cards along overseas is a far more convenient option than travelers checks. Transactions can be processed outside of banking hours, thus saving the bother of locating somewhere to convert dollars into local …

Staying Debt Free

With America on the edge of a recession, credit will soon be much harder to obtain. Since purchasing things on credit is the trigger for going into debt, this will force many people to reassess …

Simple Ways to get out of Debt

Being debt free is something that everyone wishes they could be. When you don’t have debts, you don’t have to worry about what might happen if you lose a job, or have a loss in …

How to Spend Smart using Credit

It is a fact not universally acknowledged that the smartest way to spend using credit cards is to use them when there is no utter need to purchase on credit. Those who have the necessary …

Best Ways to get out of Debt

While the festive seasons may be cause for celebration, there will be a certain percentage of adults who dread these two occasions on account of the shoddy conditions of their pockets. Many married adults will …

Top Ways to Hurt your Credit Score

If you are really determined to sabotage your financial reputation then the easiest way to go about it is by damaging your credit score. It takes very little effort at all to hurt your credit …

Debt Settlement Tips and Tricks

Lvnv funding is a company who buys outdated consumer credit and tries to trick those consumers into paying on those old expired debts, which are called junk debts. Within this article, I will talk about …

10 Steps to Financial Freedom

There is a lot of attention placed on gaining financial freedom in today’s capitalistic world. In my journeys, I have found the following steps to be helpful along the way: 1) Remove physical clutter from …

Debt Free

The benefits of getting out of debt are endless and they can extend much farther than to your wallet alone. Debts can cause you to worry and become ill, while being debt free can give …

What Credit Scores mean to you

I was listening to a personal finance show on a local radio station the other day and a woman had called and told the host that she had her credit card bill paid and was …

Credit Repair Fico Scores Debt Management

A friend recently told a familiar sad story of paying a debt relief company to “fix” his bad credit. The company promised that if he would trust their “proven” method of flooding his creditors with …

Tips for Avoiding Debt

The emphasis these days seems to be on spending more, while earning less. It can be so easy to end up in debt before you know what hit you. There are some things you can …

Credit Card use for a Good Credit Score

Credit worthiness is important in today’s economy. Only those with excellent credit and high credit scores get approvals for first and second mortgages, lines of credit, home refinancing, car loans, and personal loans. A low …

Debt Management

In life, we often come across the situations like when managing the debts almost seems impossible. This usually happens because of borrowing money from various lenders, which complicates the process of paying off the borrowed …