Loans Archive

Paycheck to Paycheck Loans

     The most frustrating thing about emergencies is that they are usually expensive. A hot water heater dies, your beloved family pet is ill with very high veterinarian bills or the car needs unexpected …

Loan Single Parent Loans

Single parents who have to take care of the children, the home, work to pay the bills and attend college can get some financial relief with student loans. Single parents who return to college are …

Online Payday Loans an Overview

Lately I have been inundated with offers for an immediate deposit of $1500 into my checking account. Anytime I see offers of money in my junk mailbox, my antenna go up and I see or …

Leasing a Vehicle

Stop me if you’ve heard any of these. “I don’t lease cars because you never own them.” “My buddy told me I shouldn’t lease a car. He says leasing is more expensive.” “Lease a car? …

Managing Student Loans

Student Loans…still one of the best deals out there. Ours is a culture that believes in debt. Not that debt is fun. It’s actually a drag. But if there truly is such a thing as …

Why Seniors Owe Billions in Student Debt

Student debt is a prickly political issue. Many people believe that students should be obliged to pay a contribution towards their education, whereas others feel that this could prevent those from a disadvantaged background realising …

Managing Student Loans

Single parents considering embarking on a college education in South Carolina have the opportunity to the same grants and loans available to more traditional students. Rather than having loans geared specifically to single parents, loans …

Bank Loan Information

The bank can really do more for you in so many ways, than any other loaning institution. To put it quite simply; they are the “creditors of America.”  Normally they require less documentation, can get …

Fed Policy Effect on Inflation – Yes

If the question is whether the Federal Reserve today is indeed laying the groundwork for the U.S. economy to experience future inflation, by expanding its balance sheet to fight systemic risk in Global Finance, the …

Managing Student Loans

Students who take on federal student loans to finance a college education typically have a new loan granted each year until graduation, and some go on to take further federal student loans to finance post …

What is Loan Modification

According to Investopedia, a Forbes Digital Company announced as the top investors modules of 2008, a loan modification is “a modification to an existing loan made by a lender in response to a borrower’s long-term …

Private Student Loans from Citi Bank

Continued increases in the costs of funding a college education means more students are relying on private student loans to cover any additional expenses after federal loans and financial aid options have been exhausted. It …

Managing Student Loans

The majority of student loans don’t become payable until the six month grace period following graduation is complete. Subsidized student loans don’t accrue any interest during college days but unsubsidized loans attract interest from the …

Managing Student Loans

The State of Virginia is extremely forward thinking in the attention it gives to non traditional students pursing a college education and obtaining a degree. Many State residents have in the past abandoned their college …

Managing Student Loans

Students plan well in advance for a college education, searching for finance and taking on high levels of loans. Yet around half of all those who enter college with the aim of obtaining a degree …

Managing Student Loans

There are three benefits to consolidating your loan: locking in a lower, fixed interest rate, reducing your monthly payment, and making only one payment a month. If you recently graduated from college, or plan to …

Should Payday Loans be Legal – Yes

Payday loans are already illegal in some states. Others tightly regulate the payday loan industry, in an effort to prevent possibly abusive practices. Many jurisdictions consider the rates too high and the fees too unreasonable …

Managing Student Loans

A college education is an expensive business these days, with tuition costs often soaring way above inflation. Anyone considering pursuing a degree course should plan ahead as early as possible to take advantage of any …