Insurance Archive

Unemployment Health Insurance

Health insurance is a big issue today in the United States. It makes the big problem of unemployment  even bigger. It is heart breaking enough to be out of work, but to be out of …

Why Insurance is so Important

Life is risky. Deciding how to mitigate the risk is what insurance is all about. The motto of one company – “Life, Health & Auto” describes the most common insurance areas to consider but most …

Understanding Homeowners Insurance Coverage Limits

Homeowner’s insurance policies will have coverage limitations for the building, contents, other structures, and additional living expenses, but your homeowner’s policy will most likely have special limits that apply to certain types of personal property. …

Basic Guide to Life Insurance

Life is uncertain, we all will die one day and no one could challenge the uncertainty of life.  Thus, it is very difficult to judge the period of life and when it will be over. But, …

Health Isnurance Costs

The paradox of excessive health insurance costs is that not enough people have health insurance. The basic reason for this is that more insureds lower the average cost, and decrease the average number of claims …

Renters Insurance vs Condo Owners Insurance

A common misconception among condo owners and residential renters is that if the building is insured then they are protected from potential loss. When it comes to insurance, knowledge is power! Once you realize that …

How to Compare Health Insurance Plans

Before you start comparing health insurance plans you should know the 3 basic factors that determine health insurance rates: 1.    Your age. Premiums increase as you grow older, but the benchmark is age 65. This …

Benefits of Disability Income Insurance

For office workers, of any level, there is little benefit in a disability income insurance policy. The value of such policies is very hard to determine. The reason for this is that the cost of …

Finding Alternative Health Insurance Plans

As employers continue to search for ways to cut health-care costs and, in some cases, to pass more of these costs onto employees, many are offering the option of Health Savings Accounts. The Health Savings …


If you live next to or near to a lake, ocean or river it is quite likely that, at some time within the future, your home will be flooded by one of the same. Violent …

Auto Insurance Quotes Online

When you’re looking for auto insurance quotes online, there are a few things you need to know.  You need to find an insurance policy that will cover you in the right areas while fitting into …

How to File a Homeowners Insurance Claim

Homeowners insurance provides you with the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you are protected if theft, property damage, injury on your property or natural disaster occurs. When you are filing a claim …

The Benefits of Purchasing an Annuity

An annuity can be defined as ‘a type of insurance policy that provides a regular income in exchange for a lump sum.’ (1) Annuities are most commonly purchased by pension-holders who are coming up to …

Medicare Funds Running out

The trust fund for Medicare’s Hospital Insurance is estimated to run out of funds during 2024. This is five years sooner than a report released in 2010 predicted. Spending on Social Security and Medicare is …