Negative Equity

Negative Equity

Your property is in a negative equity situation when the mortgage outstanding is greater than the amount you could sell it for in the open market. Every house price crash pulls the people who purchased …
Junk Bonds Explained

Junk Bonds Explained

A junk bond can be a sound investment, as long as you own a bond fund, and have an understanding of what they are and how they work. A junk bond is basically the same …
Tips for Saving Money for the Future

Tips for Saving Money for the Future

Oh the future, that elusive time which you know is always coming but you don’t really always know how to prepare for. Saving money for our future takes time, know-how and it isn’t always easy. Luckily, there …
7 Tips on Saving Money

7 Tips on Saving Money

If ever there were a time for people to save money, it’s NOW. For 7 tips on how to save, start with the big items but, remember, the little items add up, too. (Save on …
Why is it Costly to Shop at Costco

Why is it Costly to Shop at Costco

Costco: The Fill ‘Er Up and Ring ‘Er Up Shop Costco Wholesale Corporation is the world’s biggest membership warehouse club store chain and one of the most sizable retailers globally. Known for offering quality products …
Why Buy Renters Insurance

Why Buy Renters Insurance

While many people with homes buy homeowner’s insurance, not as many renters buy renter’s insurance. Which is a shame because it is one of the best values in the insurance world. Why don’t more people …
How to Fight a Heath Insurance Claim Denial

How to Fight a Heath Insurance Claim Denial

Health insurance has been a hotly debated topic in the recent past, and the enactment of the Affordable Care Act in 2010 was considered a landmark reform regarding the laws governing health care provisions. The …
Preparing for 21st century change

Preparing for 21st century change

The state of the economy is wreaking havoc on the family’s budget. This makes saving more and more difficult. Families must revisit plans for vacation, eating out and recreation in order to ensure enough funds …
How to Buy Stocks without a Broker

How to Buy Stocks without a Broker

Buying stock without using a broker is relatively easy and there are a couple ways to go about it. Dividend Reinvestment Dividend reinvestment programs (DRIP) is probably the most common and easiest way to invest …
How to Invest in Real Estate

How to Invest in Real Estate

Real Estate Investings Saving Grace Today is the day that you’ll understand whether or not you’ll use real estate as another road to wealth. This article will introduce you to a well traveled and mapped …
How to survive a recession

How to survive a recession

Many people are concerned about the ongoing financial turmoil and how they will survive if financial markets crash as many experts anticipate they will. A crash in the stock market would mean that most people’s …
Financial Mythology Gods and Goddesses of Wealth

Financial Mythology Gods and Goddesses of Wealth

Many English words associated with wealth are derived from the latin words describing Roman gods and goddesses of wealth. According to United Nations Roma Victrix, three Roman wealth gods named Eventus Bonus, Abundatia and Fortuna …
An Outline of Investing in Index Funds

An Outline of Investing in Index Funds

Index funds are mutual funds which are invested in all companies on a particular index, such as Standard & Poor’s 500, rather than being actively managed by a fund manager who tries to invest only …