What is a Publicly Traded Company

What is a Publicly Traded Company

A publicly traded company is a corporation which trades its shares and sells its bonds to members of the public, usually through a regulated stock exchange but sometimes through informal procedures known as “over the …
How to Save Money on Food

How to Save Money on Food

There’s an old Army story about the sergeant who reported regularly to the Brass that he was training a mule to live without eating. His method was to reduce the amount of fodder given to …
The Advantage of a Mutual Fund

The Advantage of a Mutual Fund

The Advantage of a mutual fund is that you do not have to be an expert in the market to invest. Mutual funds are the perfect tool for any one who wants to risk the …
How to Improve Finances by being Organized

How to Improve Finances by being Organized

Being organized means being orderly, and it is very important in financial planning. Financial planning in its simplest sense, is plotting financial goals you want to achieve in the future and then matching those objectives …
Guide to Saving Money on Life Insurance

Guide to Saving Money on Life Insurance

The money that you pay for life insurance serves no purpose unless the dreaded reason for taking it actually happens. Then it suddenly becomes valuable. The one thing that no one can predict is when …
What can be Defined as Good Debt

What can be Defined as Good Debt

“Good debt “is debt a person amasses that they can afford to pay back or for the sake of investing. No debt is purely good though. If it puts a person in a bad financial …
Strange Idaho Laws

Strange Idaho Laws

The State of Idaho is located in the north western region of the United States. It is surrounded by British Columbia, Canada on the north, by Montana on its northeastern border, by Wyoming on its eastern …
Effects of Prison Rape

Effects of Prison Rape

According to statistics compiled by the U.S. Justice Department, 4.5 percent of all state and federal inmates in the United States reported seual victimization of some form in the year 2007.  In that year the national …
Is a Relative in Debt

Is a Relative in Debt

Numerous financial pitfalls await the unwary. Among the former are easy credit, predatory lending and hidden costs associated with a product or service, i.e. the “fine print.” Irresponsible spending, particularly gambling, also figures in the …
How to Choose what to Invest in

How to Choose what to Invest in

Overall, there are a number of investment options. Each has a variety of different options and features. As such, you can choose what type of investment best suits you. For example, savings accounts are a …
How to Preserve Wealth

How to Preserve Wealth

At some point in our lives, we’ll find the need to save for our future. In this day and age, nothing is certain. We don’t know what lies ahead, we can be laid off with …
How the Hafa Program Works

How the Hafa Program Works

The Home Affordable Foreclosures Alternatives Program (HAFA) is an off-shoot of the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) and is a government backed way for servicers (mortgage lenders) to allow deeds-in-lieu or short sales for defaulting …
Six Ways to Quickly Repair your Credit

Six Ways to Quickly Repair your Credit

You realise there is a problem when you want to purchase an item from a store on credit and after filling in a lengthy application form, find that you have been refused. The only explanation …
The History of Mutual Funds

The History of Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are a method of collective investment where a fund manager uses money pooled from many investors to trade in stocks, bonds, and securities, and then collects and passes on any income obtained through …
Is it Safe to Invest in Corporate Bonds

Is it Safe to Invest in Corporate Bonds

There is risk attached to all forms of stock market investment and, in this respect, investing in corporate bonds is no exception. The issue for those who are considering investment in corporate bonds is to …
Instant Credit Repair

Instant Credit Repair

If your credit score is weighing you down it is unfortunate but the fact is there is no such thing as instant credit repair. If you see an agency offering to repair your credit rating …
How do Find a second Job during Retirement

How do Find a second Job during Retirement

Think outside of the box and discover a fulfilling second career instead of opting for retirement. There are many options that might cater to one’s personality, skills, talents, hobbies and interests. Perhaps you have always …
Presidential use of Executive Orders

Presidential use of Executive Orders

Can a President make laws without Congressional approval (the ultimate law-making body of the US government)? In short, yes, with an Executive Order (EO). Under Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, the President is …
Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds

A mutual fund is one of the easiest and most convenient investments that you can ever make yet at the same time could be the most versatile and flexible. As far as simplicity is concerned, …
When to Cash in Savings Bonds

When to Cash in Savings Bonds

U.S. savings bonds are seen as one of the safest ways to invest one’s money. A savings bond is a government insured and backed investment that when held onto long enough, will pay out the …
Make Cannabis Legal to keep Librarys Open – Yes

Make Cannabis Legal to keep Librarys Open – Yes

The reasons for cannabis sativa being illegal in the first place are overblown because newsworthy instances of marijuana-in-the-system-of-a-criminal! always include, at the bottom of the page, that alcohol or some other drug was also in …
Proximate cause and Insurance

Proximate cause and Insurance

Proximate cause refers to an action that leads to an unbroken chain of events; events that end with someone suffering a loss.  Proximate cause is used to examine how a loss occurred and how many …