Taxes Archive

Top 10 Free Tax Preparation Programs

Over the years taxpayers have often struggled with trying to figure out how to prepare their taxes or where to find a qualified tax professional to prepare their taxes for them. While there is an …

Tax Preparation

Are you about to file taxes for the first time? If this is correct, there are certain things that you must know. You will learn tax preparation tips for beginners. You should hold onto most …

Using Tax Software

Income tax filing time seems to come around quicker each year. Visit any post office around tax time and see the number of IRS tax booklets and instructions and you’ll understand why more Americans are …

Income Tax Fraud or is it

If there is one phenomenon that all of us would be more than happy to get rid of at the same time, it is TAX. To many it is the ultimate fraud imposed by the …

Tax Withholding Forms

Tax withholding forms are documents issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Internal Revenue Service and Individual State governments for the purpose of generating Federal and State income. Similar entities and organizations exist outside …

Paye System

The Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system in the UK provides for suitable amounts of tax and national insurance to be deducted from the salaries of employees during a tax year. The employer is responsible …

How to Report Tax Fraud to the IRS

Willie Nelson, Richard Pryor and Al Capone have one thing in common—a tax evasion conviction. Nelson settled a $16 million bill, Pryor spent 10 days in jail and Capone was fined $80,000 and spent 11 …

Tips to Lower your Tax Bill

With money being tight for everyone at the moment, there are many things that we can all do to reduce our personal tax bill, and it’s not as difficult as you might think. With many …

Prior Tax Records

There are a number of companies that can provide you with prior year tax documents. For $30 or so, they can deliver your documents via email within half an hour. You can find several of …

What is a Split Refund

A split refund is an option the IRS has given taxpayers as an alternative to a lump-sum refund. Taxpayers have more flexibility in terms of how they receive their refunds. The split refund program offers …

Home Mortgage Interest Deduction

The overwhelming majority of homeowners qualify for a tax deduction for the interest they pay on their mortgage loan.  Let’s look at a few important details about this tax break: * In order to claim …

How to File an Amended Tax Return with Turbotax

Amending a tax return is necessary if the original return was already sent to the IRS. Fortunately, TurboTax software allows persons to file an amended return if they received additional tax documents/ information after filing …

About Tax Resistance

Tax resistance is a citizen’s refusal to pay taxes to one or all levels of government, not out of an inability to pay but rather out of principle or out of protest. Particularly in the …

Benefits of e Filing your Taxes

E-filing, in rudimentary form at least, has been offered by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) since 1986, with the number of taxpayers making use of the option increasing especially rapidly in recent years.  Clearly many …

Stamrecht Bv

A “stamrecht BV” is a popular tax construction in The Netherlands. You can utilise it for incurring less income tax on a redundancy payment when you have a Dutch based employment agreement. From a legal …

Tax Advantages of an Annuity

Annuity providers primarily advertise annuities as a way to secure your income for life. In addition to that, one of the merits of annuities is the various tax advantages associated with them. Typically, the savings …

What to do if you Owe Money to the IRS

By submitting Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 4868 by the April 15 deadline, a taxpayer is granted an automatic six month extension for filing their taxes until October 15. However, while this certainly helps in …

Tax Deduction for Business use of a Car

If you use your car for your business, you may deduct certain automobile-related expenses from your taxes. Business use of a car would include driving to and from customers, suppliers, business associates, or seminars or …

Income Tax Fraud or is it

Taxes – ‘Prima Facie’ – means ‘Presumed to be true’ This dream was my worst nightmare. I woke anxious, frightened and upset this Saturday morning. The message said all my money would be removed from …

The Lighter Side of Income Taxes

Come to think of it, income tax moments could be fun and are not really a hassle. From the perspective of the neighborhood where I come from, at least. When the period comes, it comes. …

Unusual Tax Guidelines for Canadians

A Canadian Tax Law Primer for Pimps, Swindlers and Other Criminals Can a Canadian resident be taxed on the profits he or she made from an illegal business, such as gambling? Yes, there is much …

Free Tax help for Military Families

Tax time can be a time of year full of stress and questions. Many people require help for getting their taxes done. Military families especially may find themselves in need of tax help. Is your …

About Negative Income Tax

A negative income tax is a form of wealth transfer which is designed to combine the redistribution of wealth currently performed by two systems, the progressive tax system (which calls on those with greater ability …