Spending and Saving Archive

How to Pick a Money Market Fund

Selecting a money market fund can be quite the search, but once you have found a great fund, you will find huge returns on your investment that will make the search well worth it. However, …

How to Save Money when Travelling

Travel can be fun and educational, but it can also put a drain on your finances. Here are a few ways to have a fun vacation without breaking the bank. 1. Plan ahead. If you …

Why Break the Bank Buying Brand new

One of the biggest decisions you will need to make when you’re considering a new major purchase is to buy new or used? Whether it is recreational toys and accessories, practical appliances or automobiles, there …

Best Sites for Online Coupons

At a time when everyone is looking for effective ways to save money, one of the easiest and most cost effective ways may be no further away then our computer keyboards. There are many sites …


As the end of another year approaches, that is also a time for making plans for the coming year. People want to do what has been successful for them. At the same time, people want …

Everything you need to know about Money

Money is an answer. That’s right. Ancient text revealed a lasting truth that remains to this day: money answers all things. It’s true. We use money to buy things. People are paid for their services …

An Overview of Banks in the UK

The big five UK banks (by assets) are: 1) HSBC.2) RBS Group (which includes Royal Bank of Scotland, and NatWest)3) Barclays4) HBOS (which is comprised of Halifax, and Bank of Scotland)5) Lloyds TSB There have …

Credit Unions and Banks

Banks were great in their day as institutions to save your money, but now the tide has changed as increasing fees dominating the banking community are on the rise, more and more people are turning …

The causes of Overspending

Overspending happens quite often. For whatever reason, some people lack the discipline to manage their money wisely and practice patience. The need for instant gratification overwhelms any desire to be thrifty. Whatever it is they …

The Basics of having a Bank Account

Everyone should have a bank account. It’s a much more secure way of looking after your money than stuffing your cash into a mattress, and you can earn interest on your money. However, there are …

How to Grow Rich

During difficult economic times, people usually point fingers at various sources of their financial distress. Those who live at or below the poverty line, or those who are the working poor, may feel as though …

The Functioning of Commercial Banks

A commercial bank is the banking institution that is commonly called “the bank,” as in, “I need to go to the bank and get some cash.” By simple definition, a commercial bank is a business …

Flea Markets Bargain or Rip off

Junk or Treasure? Bargain or Rip-Off? This is what I ask myself while browsing the isles at flea markets. My husband and I have been avid flea market shoppers for about ten years now. The …

Critique of Tipping System

I started working in restaurants when I was fifteen at eighty cents an hour plus tips. As a teenager this was a great part-time job and I really enjoyed the work. I continued working as …

Critique of Tipping System

I was raised with a certain perspective regarding the treatment of those that do for a living things that you aren’t willing to do on your own – those that serve us food, cut our …

Ways to Cut Costs in going to Work

Travelling is one of the hassles of going to work. Most employees have a hard time commuting especially during rush hours. In order to cut the hassle, you may end up spending more. Sometimes you …

How to use Printable Grocery Coupons

Why pay retail if you don’t have to?  Online printable grocery coupons can be used to save money on food, personal care products, pet supplies, and household products.  They are every bit as useful and …

When to Cash in your Collection of Pennies

Few people get through life without experiencing cash flow problems. The state of the economy dictates that every penny should be accounted for. Many consider that small savings are not worthwhile but often the smallest …

Smart Ways to Slash your Monthly Bills

Pay freezes, pay cuts, short time or unemployment means that people are looking for ways to slash their monthly bills. These are worrying times for millions, but do not despair there are many ways that …

Personal Budgeting and its Benefits

A personal budget is one of the tools you can use to better manage your finances. A budget has important benefits that can help you with your finances on an ongoing basis. Know Where Your …