Managing Credit and Debt Archive

Five Steps to Debt Free Living

The economic downturn has left many Americans close to financial ruin. Working your way out of debt is not easy when it is hard to distinguish between needs and wants. If you want to become …

Marks and Spencers Store and Credit Card

Marks and Spencer’s is one of the great British shopping institutions and regular shoppers may choose to use a Marks and Spencer’s card. There are three variations of plastic available issued by HSBC. There is …

Personal Debt Reduction Strategies

Many have fallen into the temptation to spend beyond their means by using easily available credit. Credit cards are one of the culprits that allow you to enter into major debt with barely a thought. …

The best Debt Management Services in the UK

People might think that getting into serious debt trouble is a one-way ticket to bankruptcy but it doesn’t always have to be the case. Seeking help through a legitimate organisation such as the CCCS (the …

Strategies for Lowering your Debt

Lowering your debt is not as difficult as it often seems.  There are people who like to complicate this simple task, and as a result, many people believe they are stuck in a spiral of …

Debt Free

For those of us in debt there are a few options that are available to us. None of them particuarly attractive, but then, debt is never attractive! The first option available to you is a …

Ways to get out of Debt Fast

Getting out of debt can be a difficult task when there is no plan of action or if you lack discipline. There are many ways to get out of debt. Here are some ways you …

Ways to Lower your Credit Score

Raising your credit score is not always an easy task. It is much, much easier to lower your credit score. Of course, if you know how to lower your credit score, you are also armed with …

Tips for getting Rid of Debt

Creating a debt reduction plan can be rather simple, provided you take an introspective look into your spending habits, analyze where corrections can be made, and are willing to set yourself a stern deadline. Many …

Personal Debt Reduction Strategies

In the current economic situation, personal debt is commonplace. It is not unusual for someone to be thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars or more in debt. Those in this situation should use …

Pay off Debt Fast Ways to Pay off Debt

Over the last several years, millions of individuals across the nation have found themselves accumulating significant amounts of debt. Debt elimination has become more difficult over the years because many creditors have found that more …

How to get out of Debt

Getting out of debt can prove to be a big overwhelming task, but it can be done. Now, it won’t happen over night, as you didn’t get yourself into debt over night. The first step …

Credit Card Debt Relief Tips

Has it happened to you? You buy a few things on your credit card, and don’t get around to paying them off. Before you know it, the bills are so big you dread opening the …

The best ways to consolidate debt

Are those pas due bill collectors calling? Is your current Job not paying enough money, therefore you are unable to stop the calls by making payments towards you debts? Weary about trusting a company to …

Advantages for using Debit Cards

Ten Advantages for Using Debit Cards Debit card use has come a long way in a short amount of time.  More and more businesses are rejecting checks because of kiting problems.  Debit cards are great …

Debt Free

Debt may seem unavoidable especially in a world where it seems the only way to make major purchases in life is through credit. We have rent, mortgages, credit cards and then we have expenses associated …