Loans Archive

Homeowner or Renter Pros and Cons

My wife and I are having a running battle about this topic. That means that she’s ready for battle and I’m running. Is it better to own a house or is it better to rent …

Microfinance Success in Africa

Success stories are plenty about how micro credit is helping alleviate poverty in developing countries. It is a proved fact that small and medium sized enterprises are the engines that drive growth and development in …

How Collateral can Affect your Loan Rate

Many factors can influence the rates you can negotiate on a loan. One of the most heavily weighted factors is whether you have any equity or other personal property which can secure your loan. Once …

Personal Loans Lending Terms Explained

When making that personal loan, being familiar with the terminology of the banker can help you understand what you are getting into. You don’t need to be a loan officer to get a basic knowledge …

What is a Loan

A loan is an agreement in which one person lends money to another. The person receiving the loan is called the borrower and the person lending is called the lender. The lender expects to be …

Personal Home Loan

Personal Home Loan – What Is the Procedure to Get Back a Personal Loan? You may opt for a personal loan because of one or two difficulties. It is however common for any holder of …

Guide to loan amortizations

Loan amortization; it sounds like a big phrase legal types like to use to scare the little guy but it is really quite simple. Amortization is simply the act of paying off a debt, a …

Unsecured Personal Loans

Loans come in different shapes and forms and are subject to different requirements. They can range from long term secured loans such as mortgages, to short period cash advances between pay checks. They vary between …

Single Parent Student Loans Illinois

As a single parent contemplating a return to education and a college degree, some of the costs associated with it can appear massive. Single parents often fall within the low income family bracket, working full …

Secured Personal Loans

Personal loans to borrowers with the ability to provide access to funds for these areas in their lives who need assistance or if additional funding would work for their benefit. A secured personal loan is …

A look at how Loans are Processed

When taking a look at how loans are processed, we have to consider three principal factors in the equation. These logical steps are how banks and other finance companies will determine an applicant’s ability to …

Online Cash Advance Loans an Overview

Emergencies happen. When the car breaks down, the kids have to go to the doctor, or the water heater breaks- and you don’t have the money in your emergency fund where can you go to …

How Pay Day Loans Affect your Credit

Pay day loans are amazingly easy to obtain as the lenders don’t look to your credit history to determine if you are a good risk or not, but rather they look to your current ability …

Refinance Bad Credit

As lenders begin to tighten their hold on their purse strings and restrict lending to fewer and fewer borrowers, it is becoming more difficult for homeowners to obtain loans to refinance their homes. Homeowners with …

Unsecured Loans

Unsecured loans are those funds which are borrowed without requiring any collateral or security to back up the loan if the applicant were unable to pay. There are various benefits and drawbacks associated with unsecured …

Beginners’ guide to loans

In today’s society, cash flow and various forms of lending are essential to our personal and professional success. The average person will need to obtain at least one type of loan throughout their lifetime, whether …

Mortgage Financing 101

Let me outline a situation that happens all too often in the loan process; the customer has been pre-approved, the titlework is done, the appraisal has come in above the purchase price, everyone is just …