Investing Archive

Understanding Real Estate Bubbles

One can use national stats or even regional stats to explain a real estate bubble. To truly define a bubble is to truly define a specific area of the country down to a comparatively microscopic …

Why do you need a will

Drafting a will, allows your assets to be distributed according to your wish upon leaving this world. Many of us may think that a Will is normally written by rich people. But this perception is …

How to Flip a House

Would You Like to Make Money Flipping Real Estate? There are plenty of things that you have to know to be able to make money on real estate business, like flipping. What does flipping real …

Which Vehicles are the best Investment

Which financial vehicles are the best investment is an important question for those who wish to protect their capital. Deciding which are the best investment vehicles to use for your money depends upon a number of factors. …

Investing in Gold on Small Budget

So, you have decided that you want to invest in gold, but you are not sure if you can begin investing on a small budget. With the price of gold soaring these days, and plenty …

Investing Ideas for the little Guys

Investing Ideas for the Little Guys One question, which has often been asked, is whether it is only the rich and wealthy that can invest in the stock markets? Well the obvious answer to this …

Why do you need a will

Making Your Will Making Your Will Ever have that Woulda/Coulda/Shoulda feeling? After your funeral? Not me, and I don’t want it, either. Yet over 55% of adult Americans have no Will, according to a Harris …

Florida Time Share Pitfalls

There are several drawbacks to owning a timeshare property in Florida and many of them are the fault of the manatee, a dopey, inelegant creature that spends most of it’s time wrapped around the propellers …

Knowing when to Sell your Stocks

There are several reasons which can determine the timing of selling your stocks. There is no right answer as to when you make the most profit on your stocks although the key is buy low …

Factors that Affect Stock Prices

Stocks are valued based on how much people are willing to sell and buy them for in a market. When those who are selling are willing to sell it at a cheaper price than what …

Why do you need a will

Many people seem to think that by making a will they are making a date with death, and that only old folks need make a will. Seemingly healthy men and women are collapsing and dying …

Key Principles of Managing Investment Risk

Investments can help you maximize your financial portfolio, and yet most carry some risk. This risk ranges greatly, and individuals differ in the amount of risk they can and should carry. Of course, taking this …

Florida Time Share Pitfalls

We are currently in the midst of trying to sell our Orlando timeshare. It is a beautiful two bedroom with large Roman tub in the master bath, during week 27, which usually falls on the …

Protecting yourself from Real Estate Fraud

Small-time scams are fascinating to study, especially when you manage to elude them. Not long ago, I listed my house for sale “By Owner,” in order to save on commissions. If you are attempting such …

Investment and Risk

When approached properly, investing is the financial commitment to undertake an educated guess. How do you minimize the risks of making the wrong guess? The Golden Rule in reducing investment risk is: Do not invest …

Why do you need a will

Eventually, we all die. A will is a legal document that specifies what should happen to your body and your earthly possessions after you die. Your loved ones should not need to second-guess your intentions. …

Do Stock Buybacks Affect Share Prices

Stock buybacks increase a financial metric called earnings per share (EPS), and the increase of the EPS indicates a stock may be undervalued. An undervalued stock has the potential to grow in value; therefore, an …

What is a Real Estate Rehabber

A real estate rehabber is someone who purchases property for only one reason. That reason being to fix it up and sell it for a profit. This person has no intentions on living in this …

Five Things every new Investor should know

As a new investor you may have heard a lot of things about investing that can seem confusing and sometimes contradictory. Investing is an important part of securing a financial future and making money, but …