Investing Archive

Smart Investments for 2011

With each year that comes and goes, new chances to invest in the future come and go with them. Not all investments are quality ones however; the investment market in many ways especially in the …

Key Principles of Managing Investment Risk

Whatever one invests in, whether it be bonds, stocks, mutual funds or other, there will always be an element of risk involved.  The financial outcome that is anticipated may not actually eventuate, and depending on …

How Young is too Young to Invest

Realistically, there is no age too young to start investing, but up until a certain age, advice and assistance are necessary to make sure that the money is well spent, not simply given away. By …

The Case for Investment Diversification

NATURE BACKS DIVERSIFICATION IN INVESTMENT I am very interested in Nature and love everything about it – its timeless beauty, unsurpassed wisdom and the priceless lessons it attempts to teach investors. All these amazing attributes …

The best Types of Financial Analysis

The best type of financial analysis will be determined by your investment goals and the financial Instruments that you have chosen to meet those investment goals.  You also need to understand the investment’s historical average …

Top Ten Funds

An overview of the top ten fund families chosen by Morningstar Fund Families online author David Kathman are: First Eagle and Oakmark at the very top both with $1,000.000 invested in the stocks and with …

Investing in the Stock Market

It is important to know the difference between investing and trading. Many would-be investors get enamored with the idea of constantly buying low and selling high. While it is completely viable to devote years of …

Why do you need a will

A will is an important and useful legal expression of your wishes at your death. With a will, you decide who will receive your money, possessions and property. Without a will, your money, possessions and …

Investing in Index Funds

Index funds are mutual funds that try to duplicate the performance of a particular index such as the Dow 30 Industrials or the S&P 500 for stocks, or the Lehman-Brothers Aggregate Bond Index for bond …

Best Investment Ideas for 2011

In today’s economy where employment is no longer reliable, investing is the sure way to go. For those making a transition from the employment side into the investing world, things might be harsher and not …

What is Annual Return

People who invest in mutual funds naturally want to make their investment pay off. Of course, one way to do that is to find funds that have performed well in the past, and hope they …

Investing Ideas for the little Guys

Anyone can begin investing! Even the little guy! You can start with as little as $10! Set aside 10% of your income and designate it solely for investing. Now, I know you are asking, “Where …

An Overview on Penny Stocks

Penny Stocks – what are they? This is the question to ask if you have no idea what a penny stock is.   So, what are penny stocks?  According to online sources, penny stock is another name …

Family Money Management Advice

Money has always been hard for families to manage, especially when trying to cope on a low income for the household in question. So, if money was hard to manage prior to the recession, things …

How to Avoid Common Investment Mistakes

COMMON ERRORS IN INVESTMENTS The wide variety of securities that exist today, make the modern investor prone to all sorts of temptations to meddle with bad’ investment. It is as such very rewarding for investors …

Top Performing Stocks of 2010

There is a recession still going on. A few State governments are close to bankruptcy. The US Federal government is still in dire straits. Many other nations are also going through severe financial issues of …

Investing Ideas for the little Guys

INVESTING IDEAS FOR THE LITTLE GUYS Many small investors are drawn into speculative or high risk investments because they have little money and seek high returns. These investments should be approached with caution, and careful …

Smart Investments for 2011

Investing is one of the most effortless ways to increase wealth. Nevertheless, it is extremely difficult to identify which stock will perform profitably during a particular period. Knowing where to put their money is a …