Investing Archive

Automatic Investment Plans

Just about everyone has aspirations to be wealthy some day, but very few people ever attain their goal of becoming financially independent. They just never get around to coming up with a plan to make …

How to best Invest your Money for Consistent Income

Earning a consistent income from investments means getting a predictable income on a regular basis. Retirees and pre-retirees particularly seek consistent income from their investments to replace earned income. The most risk-free way of investing …

Forex Trading Currency Market Fx

The stock market is big. The bond market is even bigger. But the market that dwarfs all others is the Forex market, with over $2.3 trillion traded each day. Forex, or FX, is the foreign …

Smart Investments for 2011

Since 2008, the world economy has been a shaky one to say the least. It has plummeted to the ground taking the investments of many with it with horrific results for many investors. Things could …

Guide to index funds

Index funds, also known as market funds, are a specific type of mutual fund where the stock portfolio is designed to match the performance of a stock market or one of its stock sectors as …

Why do you need a will

Many people shy away from making a will as if the act itself is tempting fate. But there are several reasons why one needs to make a will, and the earlier the better. Whilst a …

How to Invest on a Low Income

Many people believe that to invest you need to either have lots of money or earn lots of money. Those who think that way couldn’t be any more wrong. To invest, it’s not about how …

What Penny Shares are Worth

First let us look at what a penny share is. A penny share is a share of stock that trades at near or under 5 dollars. In addition this particular company has a relatively low …

Are Etfs a Good Investment

Exchange traded funds (ETFs) made a large impact on the financial world when the Spider, the S&P 500 ETF, was introduced in January of 1993. It was not the first fund of this type, but …

Investing Ideas for the little Guys

Here are some tips for people who wish to start investing but don’t have large sums of money available: 1: Make sure you have a pension fund. Pensions pay out an income from a future …

How can the Casual Investor Beat the Market

I’m here to tell you casual investors are perfectly capable of beating their respective market benchmarks (typically the S&P500) if they are willing to put the time and effort into researching their picks. The biggest …

Tips on how to Choose an Index Fund

An index fund is a mutual fund that tracks an index, usually the S&P 500, though there are others. An index, as an example, is the S&P 500a list of about 500 stocks that are …

Invest to Win in 2007

So, you are looking into ways of making money on the Internet? – Aren’t we all, and it seems very hard to find the winning strategy. I have a recipe for you, Everyone trying to …

What to know before you Buy a Mutual Fund

Mutual funds are a popular investment instrument but before you want to use this investment instrument you can best make your homework before you decide. Everyone wants to reach a higher return on their savings …

Investing in Internet Stocks

Investing in internet stocks looks simpler than it is. As the dot-com bust shows, it is anything but simple. Identifying internet stocks that can do well needs a lot of discipline and quick thinking. Trying …

Crash course in Online Investing

On May 11th of this year, I will recieve my degree in Journalism from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. But I have a dirty little secret to tell you; I don’t …