Insurance Archive

Comparing and Buying Car Insurance Online

Comparing and buying car insurance online is easy when looking at price quotes that are available from each company. A car insurance price quote that is viewed online contains information about selected coverages, all discounts …

Mandatory Automobile Insurance and the Poor

Mandatory automobile insurance is a requirement in most all states and can affect the poor in different ways. This includes the ability to pay the premium, having enough coverage and driving without any insurance at …

Invest in Umbrella Insurance just in Case

There is always a lot of talk about auto insurance, home insurance, and life insurance. However, there is a fourth type of policy that is equally important: personal umbrella insurance. What Is Umbrella Insurance? Umbrella …

Identity Theft Insurance Coverage

Identity theft is a crime that is increasing as more and more people are using the internet for financial transactions. As a result an individual’s personal information can be stolen which can lead to damaged …

Basics of Property Insurance

Insurance for your property is by far the most important product you can have to protect your wallet in times of catastrophe, but most people fail to add the coverage, and truthfully; it’s not something …

Online Car Insurance Comparison

How To Save Money With Online Car Insurance Comparison As with everything in the world, it helps to price compare car insurance policies. There are several web sites and companies that offer different pricing for …

Creating a Home Inventory

You may be asking yourself, “Aren’t we busy enough without having to tackle such a huge project as creating a home inventory?” I am here to suggest that you should make the time to do …

Reasons not to Buy Identity Theft Insurance

Identity theft is a growing problem. Recent estimates put the number of victims in the US at 10 million and growing daily.  And the number of companies offering identity theft insurance and credit monitoring is …

Overview Insurance

In the last two years, America’s housing industry has just been booming. New home sales, existing home sales, all of the statistics were on the up tick. The only thing the real estate community had …

Guide to Georgia Auto Insurance

Georgia requires that all automobiles registered must be covered by standard liability coverage. At it is simple for Georgia drivers to obtain up to five quotes from leading insurers to ensure that you are …

Factors that Control Life Insurance Rates

Life insurance is an insurance policy that is taken on behalf of your life, which will benefit a named beneficiary, whom will most often be your spouse or children, in case of an unexpected demise. …

Affordable Health Insurance

“Unless you’re Bill Gates you’re just one serious illness away from bankruptcy. Most of the medically bankrupt were average Americans who happened to get sick”Dr David Himmelstein lead author, Harvard study about medical bills and …

Autombile Insurance Claim Reporting

Honk! Screech! Wham! You’ve just been in an automobile accident. Now what do you do? First, check yourself and your passengers. Are you all right? Anybody hurt at all? If so, anybody hurt badly? Assuming …


There are many reasons why insurance is needed by you and your family. Insurance products are becoming more popular each year so that people can replace items that are important to them without incurring a …

Flood Insurance for Renters

On the Today Show this morning Matt Lauer interviewed a woman with 9 kids about their flood experience in Iowa. They were renting a home that is now flooded up to the roof. Matt asked …

Connecticut Auto Insurance

One of the most competitive businesses these days is insurance and the car insurance business is perhaps the competitive. Technology has increased the competition for insurers by making online insurance an actuality. Sites which compare …

What you need to know about your Cobra Rights

COBRA can be a life support when an employee loses,changes jobs or takes an extended medical leave from work. There are certain health situations such as present medical conditions or pre-existing conditions where a person …

Basics of Term Life Insurance

Life Insurance holder of a policy pays a premium, for a period of time (term life or “pure insurance”), from one to thirty years. Any time, during the term of the policy, if policyholder dies, …