Insurance Archive

Reducing your Auto Insurance Premium

When shopping for auto insurance, there are several factors to consider. While you may not be able to change potentially negative aspects of your situation such as age, driving history, or teenage drivers in your …

Home Insurance Myths

Homeowners often misunderstand exactly what their home insurance policy covers. To avoid nasty surprises after a loss, make sure you know what is and is not covered by your policy. Common home insurance myths include: …

Why Buy Renters Insurance

Several college students rent a crash pad near campus. Stocked with hand-me-down furnishings, cheap dishes, laptops, and of course, textbooks, this free-from-the-parents living arrangement could be the best years yet for these students. Unfortunately, a …

Why you should have a Renters Insurance

An insurance coverage is an investment and protective measure intended to protect, mitigate and minimize the pain and suffering from accidental and unintended loss. The scope of insurance has over the years expanded to cover …

Reducing your Auto Insurance Premium

There are over 33 million cars traversing the roads of the UK. For these drivers, having car insurance is required under UK law to protect other road users. While it is a fact of life …

What Affects your Homeowners Insurance

When considering purchasing homeowners insurance, you should consider the major factors that impact your home owner’s insurance premium. These factors determine your rates, and they can influence your insurance costs. Being knowledgeable about these factors …

Benefits of a Home Insurance Quote

If you own a home, having homeowners insurance is extremely important.  Homeowners insurance will not only protect the structure of your home in the event of a fire, flood, or other natural disaster (depending on …

Insurance Premiums

The largest single investment most consumers make is in their home. Unfortunately, the cost for homeowners insurance coverage has increased significantly over the last five years. With many companies offering numerous types of policies, it …

Tips for Shopping for Renters Insurance

Although you don’t own your home, you have made the wise decision to purchase renter’s insurance. Renter’s insurance does not only offer protection for your personal belongings. It offers liability protection, which can prove to …

How to Choose Home Owners Insurance

When you own your own home, you need to learn how to choose home owners insurance. The “real” options can be simply understood but they are often candy-coated behind other seemingly important yet totally unnecessary …

Home Insurance Rates

Home insurance is not cookie cutter coverage that evaluates every house the same.  Instead, there are a number of factors that affect your rate.  The good news is that current homeowners can make improvements right …

Why you should have Renters Insurance

Renters come from all walks of life. Families with children, students taking their first step away from the parental home and city dwellers. One thing they all have in common is the need to have …

Breakdown of Renters Insurance Components

Renter’s insurance is an important component in renting an apartment. It offers personal property protection and liability protection. When purchasing renter’s insurance, it is important to understand each component of the policy. As you finish …

What does Mobile Home Insurance Cover

Like a homeowner policy, mobile home insurance offers coverage on the structure, contents, loss of use, other structures and property liability. Whereas a home owner policy usually comes with replacement cost (RPLC) many mobile home …

UK Tenants Insurace Policies

Finding tenants insurance in the UK is quite a challenge. Most insurance companies prefer to deal with exclusively with homeowners. But renters also require coverage for their personal belongings in the event of an unexpected …

Reducing your Auto Insurance Premium

Are you a victim of High Auto Insurance Premium? Do you think your Auto Insurance Premium is High? The answer to both these questions is invariably going to be a YES for the majority of …

What Coverage is Necessry for Fire Insurance

 The most common form of home destruction is caused by fire. 14 The first fire insurance policy collected from many individuals by London merchant Nicholas Barbon (English economist, physician and financial speculator 7) and associates, …

Understanding Rental Insurance

If you’ve made the decision to rent your home, apartment or condo, it’s probably time to begin at least considering a renter’s insurance policy. Not only is renter’s insurance typically inexpensive, it will cover your …