Tips for Saving Money at the Bookstore

One place you may find yourself at a lot is the bookstore. This is especially true if you are a student, or you simply enjoy reading books for fun. The only problem with good books is that once you see one, you typically find another one that you want. Books may be cheap, but the prices of books can add up quickly, and before you know it, you have spent over a hundred dollars or more on a book. What can you do to keep your book prices down?

The first thing you can do is to buy a used version of a book. Buying a book used doesn’t mean that you are buying a copy that is highlighted and written in. It simply means that you might be buying the previous version of the book, or a returned book that someone simply didn’t find to be very good in their own opinion. Buying a book used will save you serious cash because a used book can be as much as 70 percent off the regular price.

Another option is to have  discount card, or a membership card at the book store. Having a membership at Barnes and Noble means that you can save 10 percent on everything that you buy at the store that day. 10 percent might not seem like a lot, but it can add up over time. If you go to the bookstore once a week, you will save 40 percent off your purchases every month. So for ever 100 dollars you spend, you save roughly 40 dollars.

When you are shopping at the bookstore, look for the books that are discounted regardless of what status you have with the store. Most companies are going to offer some sort of discount on most books to get them out of the store faster. Some books might be discounted 40 percent or more right off the bat because they want to get those books sold and out of the store. Those are definitely good bargains.

Sometimes you can get money for bringing old books, especially at college bookstores. If you have any old books to trade in, it can lower your bill when you go to buy new books. You might not get much for your old books, but if you do a lot of buying, it will save you some money which is always a good thing.

If you are going to be buying books soon, you should know what your options are when it comes to saving money. Look for the discounts being offered, and always inquire about swapping out old books for new ones, or any memberships that a store might have that will save you money whenever you shop for books.