How to Cut Automotive Costs as a Retiree

As a retiree, you should be able to cut down on your auto expenses right away because you are no longer commuting to work. Because you have less need to hurry anywhere, you should look into public transportation. There is a very good chance that they have senior fares. You might also start walking more. Not only will it save you on automotive costs, it will be very good for your health.

If you’re able to do it, get yourself a smaller car. You just don’t need that gas guzzler anymore. If you need to go out somewhere try to arrange to make a number of stops in one trip rather than making several smaller trips. Consider the possibility of having some things delivered to your door, if it isn’t more expensive than driving, things like groceries.

If you go to certain places all the time, like a senior center or to a club or church meeting, try to make arrangements to car pool. You can rotate the driving responsibility and end up driving as much as 75% less.

Other than that, saving money on automotive costs, especially gas, can be achieved by regular tune-ups, regular oil changes and filter changes, and keeping your tires properly inflated, regularly rotated, and regularly replaced. Then try to drive no faster than 55 mph. The mileage at that speed is much better than 65 or above.

For longer trips, consider taking the bus or train. That can add to the excitement of the trip as well as save money and wear and tear on the car.