Managing Credit and Debt Archive

How to Correct Errors on your Credit Report

Errors are depressingly common on credit reports.  Credit bureaus often are working with ambiguous or incomplete information, and the best they can do is compile reports that are approximations of the truth.  There may be …

How to get Debt Free

Becoming debt free is a dream that many people have but do not know how to earn the extra money to pay off their debt.  Writing online articles can be a great source of extra …

Are Credit Cards really Attractive

Credit cards can be a good thing, but are they really attractive? To analyze this, we need to look at the pros and cons of credit cards: PROS: -GOOD EMERGENCY FUNDSMany people live paycheck to …

Financial Crisis Trucking

Being a small business owner and truck driver, the financial crisis has negatively affected the trucking community in almost every way imaginable. The trucks I operate pull flatbed trailers, which haul everything from housing materials …

Financial Crisis

We are in the throws of an economic disaster. We are making history. Our children and grandchildren will read about the economic crisis of the thirtieth century in their history books. America has entered into …

Reasons to Carry a Debit Card

What are some good reasons to carry a debit card? There are many advantages to carrying a debit card as opposed to a credit card or check book. If you make a lot of transactions …

Does Debt Consolidation Work

Reasons why debt consolidation does not usually work. I’ll be clear to start out. Debt consolidation does not work well for the majority of people and their debt. Debt consolidation as it applies to this …

How to get out of Debt

Getting into debt is all too easy these days, with all the literally thousands of credit cards, store cards and loans available. Of course the more debt you get into, the harder it becomes to …

Personal Finance and Budgeting

At one time my husband and I were going out to the movies every weekend, literally each Saturday would arrive with the both us grunting about what to do, then: “Oh, maybe we can just …

How to Dispute Debt on a Credit Report

A credit report is a great tool to monitor credit and figure out where an interest rate should be.  Sometimes, a credit report can have debt listed that is inaccurate, which obviously will hinder a …

Easy Ways to become Richer

Most people can always use a little extra cash. Unfortunately, unless you’re the heir to a fortune, set to receive a large inheritance or be offered a promotion, the chances of increasing your income can be …

Do i have Bad Credit

It is more important that ever today to know how your credit score stands. If you have bad credit you cannot purchase a home, car or borrow on credit. With the economy as it is …

How to get Financial Freedom

More and more individuals are facing financial hardships today. Financial freedom isn’t going to magically appear. But with a “take action attitude” and a few tips on where to start, you can avoid extreme debt. …

How to Dispute Debt on a Credit Report

It is advisable for anyone planning a major financial transaction such as a mortgage application, to obtain a copy of their credit reports prior to proceeding. It also pays to check the reports before applying …

Tips for Paying your Bills on Time

Late payment of bills can have long term financial consequences, in addition to perhaps incurring a late payment penalty. Whilst utility bills and rent payments do nothing to build your credit score, late payments will …

Hope for Troubled Economy

In these troubled economic times it seems reasonable that those lucky enough to have a job might suffer a certain amount of job insecurity. That is to say, with the possibility of lay-offs and downsizing …

Rebuild Credit

We live in a world where credit is a definition of who we are. Our credit is examined when we rent an apartment, when we want to hook up cable or Internet, when we want …

How to Manage your Finances Responsibly

During tough economic times, learning to manage your finances responsibly can save you from big trouble. While it cannot happen overnight, especially if you are used to a specific lifestyle, practice makes perfect, so giving …