The Importance of Documentation for Insurance Claims

Documentation is an essential part of any legal proceeding. This is especially true when it comes to insurance claims. Agents and the main office of the insurance company keep this information on file for a limited amount of time. When it goes to the archives, it is sometimes difficult to obtain the information needed.

When filing a claim, it is important that you document the episode as soon as possible. Sometimes after a short period of time, the memory is not so lucid. Even if you just jot down the facts in a notebook as quickly as you can after the accident or robbery, it is very helpful in filing information with the appropriate authorities.

Make sure that you enter as much pertinent data as you can recollect. If an automobile accident, be sure and make a police report. Not only should you have the police report in your file, you should have information that you have heard from witnesses, documented.

Make sure that you listen to the information given to the police and document this for yourself. Don’t wait for the police report to be available. You will have to contact your insurance company with this information, usually prior to the receipt of the report.

If you have a robbery, it is imperative that you find original receipts for items stolen. If it is jewelry, before you are paid, you must come up with a reasonable estimate for the items stolen. This involves going to jewelry stores, etc., if you do not have receipts on file.

If you do not have receipts or find comparable costs, it is very difficult to file a claim for the items lost or stolen. This lack of documentation could cost hundreds of dollars in loss of revenue for the person robbed.

Damage to a residence is another reason for documentation. If a home is totally destroyed from fire or other natural disasters, it is essential that the owner have documentation regarding its value, etc. This value is increased by additions or upgrades. The bills for these should be kept in order to acquire sufficient reimbursement.  Without proper paperwork, it is a tedious task to receive reimbursement for a total residence loss.

Insurance policies are issued based on the value of the home, car, or jewelry set out by the policy holder. In order to justify these costs, it is essential to have paperwork with the values set forth. This documentation allows for fair settlements for the insurance policy holder.