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Making A Chart For The Path For Freedom In The Bill of Rights

In American civilization freedom is regarded as very essential. Throughout history, it has seen many violations. It is like the Patriot Act and it was enacted after six weeks after September 11th. It was to obstruct terrorists’ activities. It was not only for citizens’ rights, but for allowing a racial treatment of immigrants and treated them all as suspected terrorists. The Bill of Rights has an extreme value towards the people of America. Many of the civil liberties groups are struggling to restore the supremacy of Bill Rights which is to stop the encroachment of fundamental freedoms granted by this Bill.

When the United American population announced independence through the famous Declaration of Indepedence in document on July 4, 1976, it was essential to get themselves free from the tyrannies of the British colonials. The Articles of Confederation was passed on November 15, 1777. It was served as a founding government document for the incipient union. It was later known as a loose confederation.

Independence was in the year of 1783. The freedom war was won and the first and the natural inclination of the people who were American was to make their own constitution.

Consequently, after four years from 1783, the United States Constitution was made in the year of 1787. The Constitution composed then was through the Constitutional Convention of 1787 and it has to be ratified by at least nine states before it could earn a status of a statute law. The ratification was supported by the Federalists who wanted a strong and good government, while the Anti-Federalist wanted more power for the states. They wanted to run the government under the Articles of Confederation and they were opposed to it. The Convention has drafted the final version of the Constitution and thre was no presence in it of a rights bill or a document which was of the similar nature.

There were some reasons behind the Anti-Federalists opposition to the ratification. They were that the Consitution could not protet the rights of individuals and that the republican form of government could not be successful in America.

Therefore, the idea of the Bill of Rights was cordially accepted. The Congress met in the year of 1789 and afterwrds most of them agreed that the Bill of Rights was needed. James Madison drafted such legislation and he is now considered the father of the Constitution. James madison was a Federalist and at first he rejected the idea of the rights’ bill, but later he was convinced of its inevitability.

When drafting the US bill of rights, Madison took inspiration from the English Bill of Rights in the year of 1689. It was also in the Virgina Declaration of Rights. In the year of 1776 it was stated that the famous document named Magna Carat was made during the year of 1215. Many of the provisions were influenced by these bills. Out of 42 provisions was suggested by James Madison and only ten came into effect during the year of December 15, 1791. They were approved by three-fourth of the states.

They recognize the right of the people to keep and bear arms. It was also to keep a militia and to protect from quartering of troops and unreasonable searches and seizures. It was also to make it prerequisite that no person should be deprived of life. It was mentioned also that it was properly of liberty without due process by law. It was mentioned that it was also to ensure the fair trial by jury of the person who was accused. It stopped excessive bail and towards the act of cruel and unusual punishment.

The ninth amendment in originality is a profound provision in itself. There were only 10 out of 42 rights provisions which were devised by James Madison. They were accepted in the Bill of Rights and so it was possible to include everything pertaining to natural rights of people in that Bill. While dealing with this situation, the ninth amendment was to become an inquisitive part of the Bill. It recommended that in the Constitution of certain rights it should not be construed to deny or disparage others which were kept by the people.

However, the tenth amendment does not technically acknowledge any rights. It is particularly related with the governmental powers and they are not enlisted in the Constitution that these are the powers reserved to the states and to the people of these states. There is an example of the tenth amendment rights that there are states in America which determine the rules for marriage, divorce, taxes and other things which are in their respective precincts.

The most peculiar points about the Bill of Rights are that it propounds the philosophy of freedomn. This happens by giving a freehand to the people to be secure in their persons and giving them a free will which is to express themselves. They were also to mandate the easy access to fair justice for all. It is considered a landmark of the US constitution.

During the legacy of over 215 years for which many of the American soldiers were sarificed. they were to gain independence from the British rule and to make an independent consitition of their own. This legislation still would like the peoples’ rights.