Investment Clubs the best way to Learn about the Stock Market

Investment Clubs are the answer for beginners. One of THE best ways to learn about investing is to join an investment club.

You can seek out groups that only include women or just men’s groups. The women’s only club was one of the first groups I joined and it was very beneficial. We learned about reading annual reports, dollar cost averaging, why not to invest in penny stocks, how to select a broker who will be willing to work with someone who had no idea what they are doing and hundreds of other topics. There was also the advantage of meeting with women who had been investing for a number of years and they were more than willing to share their experiences. The newest members were never treated like they were dumb if they had questions.

After I had been in this club for several years I started an investment club at work. We elected officers and plunged in. It was really a lot of fun and very educational. It was open to anyone who wanted to learn how to buy stocks and general investing. Some of the members were amazed at how easy it is. Of course we all learned also how fast things can go downhill if you don’t do the research.
There is no get rich scheme that works unconditionally in investing.

The best part about investment clubs is that you pool your money so you’re able to buy more of one stock and you have more input.

You can also invite brokers from local investment firms to come and answer questions and to just give overall information you will need to be successful. Of course they will also make money if you choose them to as your broker.

Another piece of advice is the same as for writing. Buy and invest in “what you know the best.” If your teenager raves about a certain pair of jeans because all her friends are wearing them, check into it. Chances are it will be a good investment. This also applies to what restaurants and stores everyone is talking about, what kind of car the boys want to drive. You get the idea.

Investing is fun but the best thing is that it’s another way to save and earn money as well as gain knowledge.