What is a Termite Bond

A homeowner experiencing an invasion of termites should enlist the services of a qualified pest exterminating company as soon as possible in order to avoid or contain the damage these insects can wreak on a wood-based structure. After completion of the service, the exterminators may offer something called a termite bond. Whether the homeowner should elect to take advantage of a termite bond depends on several factors.

First off, a termite bond does not guarantee against future termite attacks. Generally, a termite bond, also known as a termite contract, activates exterminator action when invoked after a second attack or incursion by termites has occurred. The provisions of these bonds usually state only that the pest exterminator will return to deal with the problem, if and when it occurs, free of charge. Additional services such as periodic inspection of the property or repairing any termite damage may figure into the contract at an increase of its cost or premiums. The cost of a termite bond also may vary according to an ascertained likelihood of future attacks.

The likelihood of another termite attack also can help the homeowner determine if such a bond will prove cost effective over the long run. If the danger of repeated incidents runs high, and the cost of future inspections and/or extermination procedures likely would amount to more than the cost of the termite bond, then its purchase should prove well worthwhile.

If the homeowner does not know of the normal frequency and severity of termite attacks in the locality, a preliminary visit to the county extension agency will prove extremely helpful. The facility can offer up-to-date information on local termite problems, if any, and suggest means for detecting and combating an invasion should one occur. The procedures for dealing with termite invasions will vary with the species involved; showing the agent a sample insect, if possible, will help in determining this important fact. The agency can also guide the homeowner in the matter of termite bonds.

Even in areas that suffer high levels of termite infestations, the construction of a house may determine the necessity of having termite treatment and considering whether to purchase a termite bond. For instance, a house built on concrete blocks set into a concrete slab most likely will remain safe from termite attack. After an initial inspection by a qualified (and bonded) pest exterminator has shown the house and property free of termites, no further action need be taken. However, a house constructed of wood, where some portion of the structure touches or sets close to the ground, may invite and suffer termite attacks if the insects can gain access to the wood. This house might very well need periodic pest control attention.

When considering a termite bond, take time to take into consideration both the near-term and long-term situations the insurance plan will meet.