Ways to Tackle Debt Cyber Begging

Most people with financial debt don’t actually take to the sidewalk shaking a begging cup, as the shame would be too much. Asking people for a hand out would be tacky in the extreme. Yet it is perfectly possible to beg online without revealing your identity, appealing to the generosity of complete strangers in the hope of some easy cash. Anyone who habitually runs up credit card debt irresponsibly won’t mind using their plastic to pay the sign up fee to an online begging site, which will buy them their very own web page to beg from.

Those in desperate need of money for emergency medicine, to feed their children, pay down debt, or get a boob job, can state their need online and hope that some philanthropist will make a donation to them. Equally any con artist scammer can appeal for emergency medicine to feed his imaginary quintuplets, whilst repaying the debt he amassed when his fiancé left him, taking the engagement ring he is still paying for on credit.

Some cyber beggars keep their pleas short and sweet such as “would like to open an adult toy/ lingerie store and need funds.” Others pour out their life stories with every last litany of woe, abuse and multiple illnesses which makes them desperate for money. All the person requires in order to beg is a computer and a PayPal account, plus the sign up fee.

Spending a typical $44.95 to set up a begging page, which will need a further $9.95 a month to run, is a lot to spend for those so desperately in need that they explain a simple $5 will pay for bread, milk and eggs. They have just wasted 9 times the amount they are begging for, but obviously hope that their pleas for $5 touch the generosity of more than 9 kind souls. They need to cover their costs before they even begin to profit from this scam.

There may even be beggars who are genuinely in need but the $44.95 to set up their plea is a gamble that is on a par with paying debt consolidation agencies to sort out ones debt. Both decisions lack any sense of financial responsibility.

There is no way of knowing if these sites pay off and help those who choose to beg out of need. There were a few well documented cases when the concept first began which paid off for the initial beggars but there are so many scammers who know how to play the game that they are likely the only ones to profit.  The question remains though of no matter how much one is in debt or in need of money would you be prepared to put all your pride aside and beg? If the answer is yes then standing on the street and rattling a tin cup won’t cost you anything.

Sources: Cyberbeg.com
