Vote on the Health Care Issue – No

The Supreme Court has justices that should recuse themselves from the health care debate due to conflict of interest. Family members that are employed by corporations and special interest groups that lobby against health care for our citizens should not be deliberating on the health care issue since a portion of their families income is derived from these companies. In fact, since the Supreme Court is an appointed body should not be in consideration of health care at all. If there is a concern about the health care issue then it should be on every ballot in a national election so the people of this country who vote would decide on the legality of health care for the nation.

The Obama Health Care Plan is the best legislation that has been passed in a long time, and long overdue. This was an issue since the Nixon administration and every President has had this issue on their agenda but none were able to pass it because of the interests of the health care institutions and their lobbyists. This is not a polarizing issue – most people, both Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives – know that health care expenses are out of control. People are losing their homes, their savings and families because of the crushing expenses of health care. People divorce because a loved partner has an illness that will destroy their savings and homes. We are the only progressive country in the world that didn’t offer health care to their citizens. I have acquaintances that are Canadian and one of the first things they say when coming to our country, is that if they get ill, please return them to Canada for health care.

There are medical professionals that have been proponents of comprehensive and universal health care in this country and they believe in the benefits to the health care profession if there was a universal health care plan in place. The only people who seem to be against health care are politicians who are influenced by lobbyists and people who don’t understand its benefits because of propaganda generated by lobbyists who are exploiting their lack of understanding of the benefits they will drive to both themselves and their families as well as the people of the United States as a whole.

It’s a shame that the same compassion that we as a nation and people show to third world countries that we put on blinders and are unwilling to see the struggling people of this country – our fellow citizens – who deny themselves health care or their loved ones, because of the financial burden they can’t afford. No one should be denied health care and no one should be turned away from a hospital because they don’t have health insurance.

People let their health deteriorate before seeking medical attention. Emergency rooms are overcrowded with people who have conditions that could have been controlled and contained and cured with a visit to a doctor’s office and prescription medicines end up becoming life-threatening due to a lack of health insurance.