Should Parents be Held Responsible for their Minor Childrens Criminal Behavior – Yes

If not the parents responsibility then who?

If your child shot someone and it caused you to loose your livelihood, your marriage, your life because you were going to go to jail with or instead of your child would you keep a closer watch on their activities?

Parents need to accept responsibility for their minor children. In cases of repeat offender children where counselors, mentors, doctors, restrictions, punishments and penalties have failed it may be time for that child to be viewed as an adult. This is a case by case decision that needs to be made.

I have a minor child and believe it is my job to enforce the rules. He is to attend school, do his homework, help around the house and be respectful. Most of those activities take place most of the time. If he were to get in to trouble I would have to consider why? Did I ask where he was going? Did I know who he was with? Have I met his friends and his friends parents? Can he have open communication with me and tell me what is on his mind? Usually when there is an issue the answer to some of the above questions is NO!

If the minor feels as though he is an after thought or he needs to seek acceptance somewhere else they will. If the parent has not meet the teachers, friends and friends parents than there is a chance that someone else knows the child better than the parent. If the last time the family sat down to have dinner was a national holiday….

Children don’t always do what we say but more often what we do! I hope that my son is less likely to do drugs not because I told him not to but because, I do not take drugs no has he been exposed to drugs as a recreational activity. Likewise with stealing, cheating, physical abuse and in general striving to be a good person.

If you do not feel that parent should be responsible for the minor’s behavior take a good look in the mirror, it may not be the child you are avoiding.