Save Money on Gas

How to spend less money on gas is highly relevant with gasoline prices fluctuating due to limited supply. The option of parking our cars instead of driving them is not possible for most Americans. Those who must use their cars regardless of cost can save significantly by using some of the following strategies.

*Drive less aggressively

Anyone who drives in an aggressive manner is wasting as much as 20% of the mileage available with most cars according to the website I have personally verified the truth of this by not exceeding 60 miles per hour on freeways, and avoiding fast starts over the past year. The small amount of extra time used by driving slower is easy to plan. It is important to stay in the right-hand slower lane on major highways to avoid being a hazard to those who regularly exceed the speed limits.

*Combine trips

Most drivers developed bad habits when gas was more plentiful and less expensive. Among those bad habits, making quick trips to do one thing is one of the more wasteful bad habits. With today’s gas prices, it pays handsomely to accomplish as much as possible on the same outing. Many drivers can reduce their number of miles driven by a substantial percentage.


Sharing a ride with a co-worker or a neighbor is an automatic 50% savings to each party if the ride sharing is reciprocated later on. This small amount of planning is well worth the effort for everyone. The savings enjoyed in fuel cost is only part of the benefit because reducing consumption is being friendly with the environment. Besides, time to visit with friends when traveling together is a great way to renew friendships.

*Automobile maintenance

Any car that is being driven with an under inflated tire is wasting fuel. One low tire can lose 3% of the car’s mileage potential according to experts. In addition, any auto that has not been properly serviced is operating at less than optimum efficiency. Changing the air filter, oil filter, and changing the oil are basics that should not be ignored. Dirty fuel injectors are also wasteful of gasoline and should be periodically cleaned. Increased fuel efficiency is a great reward for proper maintenance and more than covers the costs.

If saving money on gasoline is the objective, changing a few bad habits may be necessary. Sacrificing a little mobility may be required, but is preferable to the alternatives. Anyone who accepts the challenge to modify their individual driving habits will benefit by saving on their fuel expenses. There is no rocket-science involved, only a small amount of self discipline.