Police State America – Yes

This is a question that I have been researching, writing and talking about for a number of years now. In virtually all of my conversations, the question is followed by a look inquiring if I might be in need of the men with the one size fits all jacket. But then after the shock of the question wears off and the brain starts actually working on the topic, the look changes from one of questioning my sanity to one of dismay and sometimes fear. Because there is example upon example of the United States being, in fact, a police state.

Growing up within the Jewish community, WWII and particularly the Holocaust was on my study list as a child. I remember watching those old WWII movies like Casablanca, To Be Or Not To Be or any other film that depicted Germany during that time. Remember the chill that would go up your spine when the cops asked the hero, “May I see your papers please?” You just knew the good guy was in trouble.

In 21st century America the line is different but it sends shivers up my spine the same way. Now they ask if one has any ID. Much softer way to say the same thing don’t you think? And this is the first thing a law enforcement officer asks when an individual is stopped. And many of them tend to get a bit testy when you don’t jump when told. Many people have been detained for having the audacity to ask why they have been stopped before complying with the order to present ID.

Most people in the United States think that the police are duty-bound to protect the people. It’s a good thought but not even close to the facts. In the Supreme Court Case Warren v. District of Columbia, 444 A.2d 1 (D.C. Ct. of Ap., 1981), the court ruled that police do NOT have a legal obligation to protect the citizens. If the police are negligent in responding to a call and someone dies, the family does not have the right to sue. Many local jurisdictions have their own special statutes to prevent state agents from being held accountable for their actions. Such as California’s Government Code, Sections 821, 845, and 846 which state, in part: “Neither a public entity or a public employee [may be sued] for failure to provide adequate police protection or service, failure to prevent the commission of crimes and failure to apprehend criminals…”

People put money into the things that are important to them. Some people use large parts of their budget on clothes for example. Having a certain look is highly important to them. Some folks put their money into their cars, or their homes or what have you. What ever is of a higher priority for them. When I was doing my radio show, I took a look at the budgets of the Seattle Police Department and NYPD. What I found was the budget for the traffic division was $12M more than the SVU and violent crimes division COMBINED in Seattle, with similar numbers although higher for NYPD. Where do you think their priorities lay? In protecting the individual from harm or raising revenue for the State?

The United States has the highest incarceration of all industrialized countries including China and Iran and other dictatorship countries. According to DOJ stats from 2009, 2,284,913 were incarcerated. Over 60% of them WERE NON VIOLENT! We put people in prison and jail for not harming anyone through force or fraud. These people might have smoked a joint. Or filled out paperwork wrong, or any one of thousands of things that are now against the law. That’s a pretty good definition of a police state if you ask me.

I did a show one time where we read down the Bill of Rights one by one and in their entirety. Only the 3rd Amendment which prevents the government from quartering soldiers in private homes is not violated on a daily basis by our government. This above all tells me that we are indeed in a police state.

A simple google search can start anyone down the path to find out what our government is doing to Freedom and Liberty in the United States. It’s really sad actually.