Some Rules for Speculating

Some Rules for Speculating

If you’re afraid to lose a significant share of your investment do not read on. If you’re tempted by the potential of speculative investment and have the money to back it up by all means, …


There might come a time when your personal property is stolen or damaged as a result of a natural disaster or a fire. In any case, if you do have insurance coverage for your personal …
Facts about Gold

Facts about Gold

The reason why gold goes up in value during times of crisis can be attributed to many things. Firstly one can look at the metal itself , it has a very good resistance to corrosion …
Claims and Insurance Rates

Claims and Insurance Rates

Even though the purpose of insurance is to pay for claims there are certain circumstances when filing a claim for a loss will raise your insurance rate. This happens when a claim has exceeded a …
Credit Card Debt Reduction Tips

Credit Card Debt Reduction Tips

That statement has arrived again. I was hoping it wouldn’t show up in my mailbox but alas it is there. The monthly credit card statement with all I’ve spent and interest due from past purchases. …
How to know what Tax Form to use

How to know what Tax Form to use

It’s tax season, and you are ready to prepare your federal income tax forms. But, which ones should you use and how can you go about completing them? The first thing you need to do …
Understanding Interest Rates and Yield

Understanding Interest Rates and Yield

WHICH INTEREST RATE?Interest rate is the income from bank and building society deposits, and takes different forms. It is essential that the investor develops an awareness of the types there are and how they differ …
How to get a Rebate

How to get a Rebate

Everyone from computer makers to apparel sellers use rebate offers to convince you to buy.  Rebate money belongs to you but all too often people neglect to cash in.  The paperwork and red tape can …
Tips for Buying Groceries in Bulk

Tips for Buying Groceries in Bulk

Tips for buying groceries in bulk are plentiful, a few of which will be discussed in this article. Shopping online is becoming a common aid for buying groceries, especially bulk items. You have to ask …
Pros and Cons for Prospective Landlords

Pros and Cons for Prospective Landlords

Property investment is never to be taken lightly and requires a huge amount of planning beforehand but if you are prepared to do your homework first, you will stand the best possible chance of being …
Need for Renter Insurance

Need for Renter Insurance

Need for Renter Insurance Renters need insurance more than homeowners do. Renters sometimes are left out of the decisions that affect them, but pay for their share of the consequences of poor choices. In addition, …
Black Friday Deals

Black Friday Deals

Black Friday can certainly be a deadly day – for your credit card. It does not have to be that way, however, as there are plenty of deals out there to help you save money. …
Saving Money on Renters Insurance

Saving Money on Renters Insurance

Anyone that rents an apartment, house or any other type of dwelling will need to have some kind of renters insurance. An individual can save money on the premium by looking for all available discounts, …
Why the self Employed are Audit Targets

Why the self Employed are Audit Targets

Self-employed (SE) individuals are more likely to get audited than regular employees. The IRS allows for many tax breaks for the SE, making it favorable to own your own business. However, these tax breaks are …
Why do you need a will

Why do you need a will

A will gives you the ultimate opportunity to express your great love and care for your family after your demise. Knowing that your family’s welfare will be catered for and your wife/husband will take care …
Tips for Achieving Economic Prosperity

Tips for Achieving Economic Prosperity

Are you trying to achieve economic prosperity? If so, there are a million other people out there just like you who are trying to achieve the American Dream of making it financially in life. Is …
Some Rules for Speculating

Some Rules for Speculating

It’s worth starting by defining how ‘speculation’ differs from ‘investment’. Speculation is about risk taking. It is about trying to spot that one fledgling company in one hundred who will go on to be the …
Property Insurance Basics

Property Insurance Basics

Property insurance is needed by anyone who owns their own home and is obtained by purchasing a homeowners insurance policy. A homeowners insurance policy provides protection from loss by providing coverage for contents, liability and …
No down Payment

No down Payment

Unless you have been living in a cave, you have seen some of those late night television shows that sell you books on how to buy real estate with no money down. I bought one …