What is a Tonsilith

What is a Tonsilith

Tonsils and how valuable they’re for the human body have already been a subject of the great deal of discussion in the health care community. The tonsils would be the rounded, gland-like tissues situated close …
White Spots on Skin

White Spots on Skin

There are many skin conditions which causes the white spots on skin. Normally majority of the people get these white spots on any on one are more parts of the their skin but they do …
End of August Update!

End of August Update!

It has been one fabulous summer. (And this includes the weather – probably the best yet) Many highs, a few stressful moments, but now I am back home ready for the rest of the IFBB …
Eat Chips with Tasty Guacamole

Eat Chips with Tasty Guacamole

You may think you have seen all there is to see when it comes to appetizers. You may have tried guacamole with various twists such as red peppers, blue cheese and sandwich dressing. What about …
Healthy Summer Eating

Healthy Summer Eating

If you are looking for a quick summer time meal that is healthy and delicious, try simply grilling some chicken or fish and chopping a bunch of fresh vegetables. If you have to coax your …
I Had a Talk with a Friend

I Had a Talk with a Friend

I had a talk with a friend today. She informed me that she and her husband are getting divorced. I warned her about the cost of divorce but she said that it is not going …
Coney Island Lager Review

Coney Island Lager Review

How many times has this happened? You hear a song by a popular band and love it. But whenever you listen to one of their CDs, you don’t like it. Finally, after multiple attempts you …
Dessert from the Grill

Dessert from the Grill

Now everyone has had steak, hot dogs ,and burgers hot off the grill, but have you ever tried a grilled dessert? It is really something else, and it is so easy to create some memorable meals. If you have not been …
Comparing Turkey Eggs to Chicken Eggs

Comparing Turkey Eggs to Chicken Eggs

When comparing turkey eggs to chicken eggs you will see that turkey eggs are quite a bit larger than chicken eggs. The shell of the turkey eggs have a speckles with a reddish pattern. They …
Delicious twists on macaroni salad

Delicious twists on macaroni salad

Macaroni salad is a widely popular dish in many kitchens. This hearty carbohydrates meal can be consumed as a tasty side dish to any entree. In addition, it can also be had as a main …
Delicious Fried Zucchini

Delicious Fried Zucchini

This recipe was an accident, still it is still my very favorite way to prepare zucchini. We have yet to prepare this dish for others, including those who aren’t especially fond of zucchini, when it …
Common Baking Problems and causes

Common Baking Problems and causes

Baking can be called a variety of things; however easy is not one of them. If you are one of those people who have never had a soufflé fall, your baked goods come out too …
Cold Cuts and Cheese Platter

Cold Cuts and Cheese Platter

Beautifully arranged cold cuts and cheese on a platter can be a centerpiece of your buffet style entertainment. With a little addition of fruits and vegetables those platters are easily adaptable to any seasonal celebration. …
Coffee Time 101 Proper Etiquette

Coffee Time 101 Proper Etiquette

Coffee time is highly anticipated by coffee aficionados. If you are a coffee lover, then you understand completely. Sometimes waiting for that aromatic liquid to finish brewing is more than some people can stand and …