Money Saving Tips how to use Coupons

Do you want to save money on your grocery bill? Then you have to use coupons. There is no other way. They aren’t the magic bullet to keeping your grocery bill permanently lowered, but they can sure help you shop smarter, not harder. One reason coupons help is that they focus your attention on the items on the coupons. This can help encourage you to not make any impulse buys.

First off, realize that you don’t have to use cut out single coupon you come across. If you concentrate on using coupons only for the items you normally buy, then you will save money without letting the coupons take over your life. Besides, some coupons for new products are still more expensive than the normal process of the brands you generally use.

Have A Place For Your Coupons

When I first lived on my own, I made the mistake of shoving all of my coupons in an envelope and carting the whole envelope to the store and back. This meant I had to shuffle through the whole lot to find what I need. When you keep the coupons is a special place in your home, they are a lot easier to manage.

My current coupon box is an old recipe box. You can use napkin holders, even old shoeboxes or old index card files. You need some stiff cards (bigger than the majority of the coupons you’ll clip) to sort into categories. Suggested categories include dry goods, frozen foods, breakfast foods, beverages and healthcare items.

Don’t go crazy with the categories; just separate and name the areas of the store you shop the most. You could even just have one card in your coupon box to separate food from non-food items.

Place the coupons like they were index cards so you can quickly flip through them before you plan a grocery store outing.

Choosing Which Coupons To Clip

Sunday newspapers are often packed with coupon circulars. Resist the urge to clip every coupon that falls into your hands. You will go crazy that way and not save much money. Only choose coupons:

for stuff you would normally buy or are really curious about trying
that don’t require you buy multiple items
that you will use before the date expires
that offer you savings even when compared to all of the other brands available

Take your coupons to stores that double your coupons, if they are nearby. It doesn’t sound like much, but double coupons can add up. And if you find a discount grocery store that doesn’t accept coupons, check out their prices they may offer prices lower than what you would have saved with the coupon at your regular store.